Sustainable Fisheries

Cards (16)

  • What should students be able to describe by the end of the video?
    Importance of maintaining sustainable fish stocks
  • Why is it important to maintain fish stocks at sustainable levels?
    To ensure enough mature fish can breed
  • What are the roles of fishing quotas in maintaining fish stocks?
    They limit the number of fish caught
  • What is the role of net sizes in maintaining fish stocks?
    To prevent catching immature fish
  • How was fishing conducted in the past compared to now?
    It was relatively small-scale
  • What has changed in modern fishing practices?
    Use of huge trawler ships and technology
  • What problem arises when fish stocks fall below a certain level?
    Insufficient mature fish left to breed
  • What happens if fish stocks collapse?
    Commercial fishing for those species stops
  • What has happened to fish stocks over the past 20 years?
    They have become dangerously low
  • What are the two main strategies governments are using to reverse low fish stocks?
    Quotas and minimum net sizes
  • How do quotas help fish populations?
    By reducing the number of fish caught
  • Why must net sizes be large enough?
    To allow smaller fish to escape and grow
  • What was the situation of North Sea Cod in the 1970s and 80s?
    Levels fell sharply
  • What has happened to the North Sea Cod population since the introduction of quotas?
    It is increasing again to sustainable levels
  • What are the key strategies for sustainable fishing?
    • Set strict fishing quotas
    • Use minimum net sizes
    • Allow immature fish to grow and reproduce
  • What are the consequences of overfishing on fish stocks?
    • Fish stocks fall below sustainable levels
    • Insufficient mature fish to breed
    • Potential collapse of commercial fishing