
Cards (24)

  • Context: Debussy breaking away from the Romantic Traditional Music
  • The first movement, Pagodes (Pagodas), depicts the beauty and mystery of pagodas in China.
  • Estampes is an orchestral suite consisting of three movements
  • The second movement, La soirée dans Grenade (Evening in Granada) portrays the tranquil atmosphere of the Alhambra palace at night.
  • Styles that are fused together: Javenese Gamelan, Impressionist, Flamenco, Moorish Lament
  • Rhythm of Pagodes: Triplets, demisemiquavers, cross rhythms, slow trills and syncopation,
  • Harmonic Features: Diatonic, parrellel chords, pentatonic, added notes
  • Structure of Pagodes: Loose ternary Form
  • La Soiree dans Grenade: Introdution, habanera
  • Performing Forces: Sustained Pedal, crossing hands, contray motion, stacatto spread chords
  • Melodic Features: Scallic Counter and modal melodies, pentatonic, whole tone scale, conjunct, dissonance
  • Rhythm of La Soiree Dans Grenade: 2/4, dotted quavers, improvisation, flamecno rhyhtm
  • The tempo is in Free Time and Rubato
  • Ornaments used: Appogitura, acciactura
  • A spread chord is use
  • There is improvisation
  • The type of pedal is used is an inverted pedal
  • He Died on March 25th 1918
  • Was influential during the 19th and 20th century
  • Was prevalent during the wars and revolutions
  • Influenced by
    • Chopin
    • Tchaikovsky
    • Wagner
  • Influenced by Russian and Far Eastern Music
  • Style
    • Adopted non traditional scale and tonal structures which were paramedic
  • Started learning piano in Paris Conservatory
    Age 11