Packet Switching and Routers

Cards (13)

  • Circuit switching is creating a continuous communication connection between 2 endpoints for the duration of a transfer of data
  • Packets are data that has been broken down into smaller pieces and to be reassembled when received
  • Packets are often sent across networks with multiple routes to a destination
  • Routers forward data packets from one network to another
  • How routers send data?
    • Each router stores data about the available routes to the destination node
    • Looks up the destination IP address in its routing table to find the best router to which to forward the packet
    • Each forwarding by (or transfer across) a router is known as a hop
    • Routers continue to forward the packet until it reaches its destination node
  • How do routers avoid typing up the internet?
    By having a hop limit which destroys the packet after a certain amount of hops
  • What are packets made up of?
    • Header
    • Payload
    • Trailer
  • What is the in header of a packet?
    • Sender's IP address
    • Recipitent's IP address
    • Protocol
    • Packet number (n of total)
  • What is in the payload of a packet?
    • Data
  • What is in the trailer of a packet?
    • End of packet flag
    • Checksum - recalculated at destination to ensure data isn't corrupt
  • What is the purpose of gateways?
    Where data is travelling to a different network with a different protocol
  • What is done at gateways?
    The header is removed and reapplied using the format of the new network
  • What is done if a packet reaches its TTL?
    If a packet reaches it's time to live (TTL) it is destroyed and then requested again