history of theater one final
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Corvo Hopkins
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history of theater one final
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Part 1
history of theater one final
6 cards
Cards (25)
Stanislavski and the US
Russian theater didn't really exist until the 16th century
realism came from russia
Stanislavski wrote the first method on how to act
The Roman Theatre at Orange
Built from local yellow and white limestone
The Roman theater of Orange was built under reign of Emperor Augustus during the first century CE
Sat 10,000 spectators
Hosts the summer Opera Festival every year since 1860
Did playwrights from the Yuan Period create tragedies?
the yuan period was while the mongols were in charge
there is a bunch of different definitions of tragedy
there are many plays including those we read that were definetly tragedies
No theatre today
the 4 posts in no theater are because the performers had limited vision because of masks and the poles told them where they were
Brecht was heavily influenced by No theater
There were multiple european playwrites who took no plays and just rewrote them with western vibes and the same plot
Bunraku theatre today
puppets are 2-4 feet tall
Male puppets usually have feet, while female puppets don’t
There is a small wall that blocks the legs of the puppeteers and gives the puppets a place to stand
Was Hrosvitha the first woman playwright?
She was born in Germany in 935
She wrote closet dramas
often wrote her plays in the meter and style of Terence
The Origin of Medieval Theatre and the role of Quem quaeritis
Morris Dancers wore bells on their shoes to catch the audience's attention
morris dance usually told common known stories like robin hood
Mumming involved wicker masks to look like animals
Oberammergau Passion Play
asked jesus to stop the plague if they did theater about him. it worked so they do it once every ten years
Until the early 1800s, they rebuilt the stage every year specifically for this play
4 years of preparation
Script changes each year, nazism affected the way they rewrote, has since been changed
Adaptations as sources of drama
theatrical adaptations and film adaptations have very different definitions
lion king is an adaptation of hamlet
west side story is an adaptation of romeo and juliet
Women performing in commedia dell'arte
the pope forbade women from performing in 1588 among the papal states
Many states outside of the papal states rescinded this ban a few years after it was instated
ISABELLA ANDREINI was a performer
there were female stock roles
What is the exact origin of the proscenium arch?
the first theater was the Farnese theater in Italy
It opened in 1618
first american proscenium theater 1828
Should theatre be didactic?
A study in Singapore found that Didactic teaching is in fact more effective
Brecht liked didactic theater
Theater has been Didactic for about as long as its been around
Elizabethan Theatres during the Plague
The theatres were closed for a year in 1593
Richard 3 was likely written during a shutdown
There was another outbreak in 1603, and theatres were closed until it subsided
A lost Spanish popular entertainment Zarzuela -
Inspired by italian opera
Female actors performed all diety roles
upbeat and fun - opposite of opera formality
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