Impact of WWI

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  • 1914:
    • The was was popular and patriotic Germans thought it would end quickly.
    • Soon the British navy stopped ships getting food into Germany, leading to food and other shortages.
  • In 1915-16:
    • In Germany, protesters demanded an end to the war.
    • Demonstrations increased from 500 to 10,000 people.
    • On the front line, soldiers were worn down by bombs, gas, and machine gun fire.
  • Germany was close to defeat. A flu epidemic killed many already weak from a poor diet.
  • In October, Army General Ludendorff stated Germany could not win the war. He advised the Kaiser to make the country more democratic so the winning Allies (France, Britain, and USA) would treat them more fairly.
  • The Kaiser allowed the main political parties to form a new government, and transferred some of his powers to the Reichstag.
  • The German people were not satisfied by the Reichstag and more demonstrations followed.
  • 28 October 1918 - The German navy in Kiel mutinied.
    • The mutiny spread.
    • Soldiers sent to deal with the protests joined the sailors and workers.
    • Within 6 days, workers‘ and soldiers’ councils were governing towns and cities all over Germany.
    • The Kaiser realised he had lost control and his army generals refused to support him.
  • 9 November 1918 - The Kaiser abdicated and secretly left Germany.
    Frederich Ebert, leader of the biggest party, the SPD, took over temporarily.
  • 11 November 1918 - Surrender.