"charteredThamesdoesflow" -controlled -jarring juxtaposition -man vs nature
"everyinfants cryoffear" -destruction of innocence -pathos -evoke reaction from reader- fear=negative emotion
"mind-forged mannacles" -psychological handcuffs enforced by state institutions
"black'ning church appalls" -corrupt -juxtapose innocence and purity church/religion is supposed to represent -funerial quality
"runsinblooddownpalace walls" -allude to Frenchrevolution (1789) -veiled threat -gruesome imagery to provoke thought/revolution
"new-borninfantstear" -jarring as this imagery is inconsistent with general perceptions of babies (pure/ innocent /naive) -universalexperience ven from birht
themes: -institutional power -oppression -control
form and structure: -iambic tetrameter (spoken) -ABAB rhyme scheme (inescapable system/pattern)
language: - bleak - revolutionary quality -offers a vignette of london -semantic fields of pain/suffering
tone: -critical
context: -first hand experience of london pre industrial revolution(poverty/disease) -critical of organised religion/ monarchy/ institutions -post french revolution (implicit appeal for insurgence/mutiny)