charge of the light brigade- alfred lord tennyson

Cards (13)

  • "half a league, half a league, half a league onwards" -dactylic dimeter (heart beat/ foot hooves) -league is a measure of distance
  • "blunder'd" -overlooked the mistake to glorify war -motion of a blunder is underplayed by the overall motion to honour war"
  • "theirs not to reply... not to reason why... to do or die" -unquestioning loyalty -syntactic patterning=mechanical behaviour
  • "volley'd and thunder'd" -dynamic verbs -auditory language
  • "rode into the mouth of hell... jaws of death" -biblical language -sacrificial quality -emphasise bravery/valience
  • "flash'd" -explosive/ overwhelming dynamic verbs
  • "shatter'd and sunder'd" -dynamic verbs
  • "honour the charge they made" -glorifies them -immortalises them
  • "when can their glory fade" -rhetorical= can never fade
  • themes: -war -patriotism -glorification
  • form and structure: -dactylic dimeter (used in epics/ mirrors horses) -"falling" rhyme reflects blunder of the army -anaphora represent unrelenting assult
  • language: -biblical
  • context: -suicidal charge (247/637 died) -19th century attitude to war (glorifies/glamorised)