Epicardium / Visceral epicardium - a thin, serous membrance forming the smooth outer surface of the heart
Myocardium - thick, middle layer of the heart, composed of cardiac muscle cells.
Endocardium - the smooth inner surface of the heart, which consists of simple squamous epithelium over a layer of connective tissue.
Trabeculae carnae - it is composed of ridges and columns of the cardiac muscles that modifies the surfaces of the interior walls of the ventricles.
CARDIAC MUSCLE - these are elongated, branching cells that contain one, or occasionally two, centrally located nuclei
Intercalated disks - are highly folded, and the adjacent cells fit together, greatly increasing contact between them and preventing cells from pulling apart.
Gap junctions specialized cell membrane structures in the intercalated disks that allows cytoplasm to flow freely between cells.