
Cards (61)

  • What is the characteristic of Acetate agar?
    Not specified in the material
  • What is S100 used for?
    Not specified in the material
  • What does Esculin Agar detect?
    Not specified in the material
  • What is Blood Agar used for?
    Supports growth of fastidious organisms
  • What is the purpose of Anaerobic Blood Agar?
    To grow anaerobic bacteria
  • What does Vancomycin do in culture media?
    Inhibits gram-positive cocci
  • What is the function of Sheep Blood in media?
    Enrichment for fastidious organisms
  • What does Alcohol Agar contain?
    Not specified in the material
  • What is the role of Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar?
    Isolates Legionella spp. and others
  • What does Campylobacter Blood Agar select for?
    Isolation of Campylobacter spp.
  • What is the purpose of Cefsulodin-Irgasan-Novobiocin (CIN) Agar?
    Isolates Yersinia enterocolitica
  • What does Cetrimide Agar select for?
    Isolation of P. aeruginosa
  • What is the function of Chocolate Agar?
    Promotes growth of Haemophilus spp.
  • What does Hektoen Enteric Agar (HEA) do?
    Isolates enteric pathogens from feces
  • What is the role of Lim Broth?
    Isolates S. agalactiae from swabs
  • What does Loeffler Serum Slant promote?
    Development of metachromatic granules
  • What is the purpose of Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB)?
    Isolates gram-negative enteric bacteria
  • What does Gelatin Medium test for?
    Ability to produce gelatinase
  • What is the function of Gram-Negative Broth?
    Enhances recovery of enteric pathogens
  • What does Columbia Agar support?
    Growth of fastidious organisms
  • What is the role of MacConkey Agar?
    Isolates gram-negative bacteria and differentiates
  • What does Xylose-Lysine-Desoxycholate (XLD) Agar select for?
    Isolation of Salmonella and Shigella spp.
  • What is the purpose of Starch Hydrolysis testing?
    To determine starch hydrolysis ability
  • What does the presence of black colonies indicate on XLD Agar?
    Presence of hydrogen sulfide production
  • What does the color change in EMB Agar indicate?
    Fermentation of lactose or sucrose
  • What does the term "selective medium" refer to?
    Medium that inhibits certain organisms
  • What is the significance of using a pH indicator in culture media?
    To detect fermentation and metabolic changes
  • How does the presence of bile salts affect the growth of bacteria in culture media?
    Inhibits gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria
  • What is the role of sodium chloride in culture media?
    Inhibits growth of certain bacteria
  • What does the term "fastidious organisms" refer to?
    Organisms that require specific growth conditions
  • What does the term "enrichment medium" mean?
    Medium that enhances growth of specific organisms
  • What is the significance of using selective media in microbiology?
    To isolate specific types of bacteria
  • How do differential media help in identifying bacteria?
    By showing color changes based on metabolic activity
  • What does the term "chromogenic media" refer to?
    Media that changes color for identification
  • What is the role of activated charcoal in culture media?
    Absorbs toxic compounds
  • How does the presence of iron in media affect bacterial growth?
    Provides essential nutrients for certain bacteria
  • What does the term "selective enrichment medium" mean?
    Medium that enhances growth of specific bacteria
  • What is the significance of using a holding medium?
    To preserve samples during transport
  • How does the use of antibiotics in media affect bacterial growth?
    Inhibits growth of resistant bacteria
  • What does the term "differential medium" refer to?
    Medium that distinguishes between different bacteria