Geotechnical engineering is a sub-discipline within Civil Engineering that has directapplication to the solutionofproblems involving soils and rock.
Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Mechanics
Rock Mechanics
Foundation Engineering
Engineering Geology
Branch of Civil Engineering concerned with the study of soil and its behavior under different types of loads using the principles of engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, mechanics of dynamics, and thermal dynamics.
study of the mechanical behavior of rocks and rock masses to force fields of their physical environment
application of engineeringmechanicsprinciples to the design of rockstructures such as tunnels, mining shafts, underground excavation, open pit mines, oil and gas wells, road cuts, and waste repositories.
Art and science of using engineering judgement and the principles of soilmechanincs to predict the response of earthmasses to changedconditions of geometry and/or loads.
Engineering Geology
Concerned with the application of geological knowledge to engineeringproblems.
Geology - science that deals with the Earth'sphysicalstructure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it.