Cards (5)

  • Fruit
    • Mature or ripened ovary
    • Other parts form part of the fruit (Receptacle, Calyx, Funiculus)
    • Function: Hold and protect the seed until maturity
    • Pericarp - fruit wall; contains the seeds
    • Exocarp - outermost layer
    • Mesocarp - middle layer
    • Endocarp - innermost layer
  • Fruit Classification
    According to number of flowers involved in their formation:
    • Simple fruit - develops from one ovary (beans, tomato, guava)
    • Aggregate fruit - develops from several ovaries from a single flower (atis, anonas, guyabano)
    • Multiple fruit - derived from several ovaries of several flowers (pineapple, nangka, rimas)
    According to structure, consistency, and dehiscence:
    • Fleshy - pericarp is soft, juicy/pulpy or succulent (tomato, banana, mango)
    • Dry - pericarp is dry or papery upon maturity (rice, narra, corn, ipil-ipil, kalachuchi)
  • Fruit Classification
    A) achene
    B) grain/caryopsis
    C) utricle
    D) samara
    E) nut
    F) follicle
    G) legume
    H) silique
    I) silicle
    J) capsule
    K) loculicidal capsule
    L) septicidal capsule
    M) circumscissile capsule
    N) poricidal capsule
  • Fruit Classification
    A) berry
    B) drupe
    C) pepo
    D) hesperidium
    E) pome
    F) achenecetum
    G) drupecetum
    H) follicetum
  • Fruit Classification
    A) multiple fruit of achenes
    B) sorosis
    C) syconium
    D) bur