Cards (5)

  • Seed
    Function: Develops from the ovule after fertilization
    Structure: Consisting of the embryo, endosperm, and seed coat
  • Parts of a seed
    • Seed coat - outer, protective covering of the seed derived from the integuments.
    • Hilum - the scar of attachment of the funiculus on the seed coat.
    • Microphyle -tiny opening on the seed coat located near the hilum.
    • Aril - a fleshy outgrowth of the funiculus or integuments; functions in animal seed dispersal
    • Caruncle - a fleshy outgrowth at the base of the seed; also function in animal seed dispersal
    • Epicotyl - immature shoot
  • Parts of a seed
    • Radicle - immature root
    • Hypocotyl - transition between the root and epicotyl
    • Cotyledon - first leaf/embryonic leaf
    • Coleoptile - protective sheath surrounding the epicotyl
    • Coleorhiza - protective sheath surrounding radicle
    • Endosperm - food reserve
  • Parts of a seed
    A) micropyle
    B) seed coat
    C) epicotyl
    D) hypocotyl
    E) radicle
    F) cotyledons
    G) cotylespermous
    H) seed coat
    I) pericarp
    J) endosperm
    K) cotyledon
    L) coleoptile
    M) Non Monocots (Dicots)
    N) hilum
    O) endospermous
    P) epicotyl
    Q) hypocotyl
    R) radicle
    S) coleorhiza
    T) seed
    U) endosperm
    V) cotyledons
    W) epicotyl
    X) hypocotyl
    Y) radicle
    Z) Monocots
    [) seed
    \) aril
    ]) caruncle
  • Seed Type
    Based on the location of stored food:
    • Endospermic or albuminous - endosperm is present for food storage (coconut, corn, rice, castor bean)
    • Non-endospermic or exalbuminous - endosperm develops but none is deposited (watermelon, squach, peanuts)
    • Cotylespermous - main food reserved is stored in cotyledons (beans and peas)
    Based on the number of cotyledons:
    • Dicotyledonous - with two cotyledons
    • Monocotyledonous - with one cotyledon