The Norman Church and Monasticism

Cards (15)

  • How did the Church influence people's lives?
    > major land owner and collected tithes on everything a farm produced
    > taught people to live a good life and about heaven through doom paintings
    > controlled what books were published
    > some clergy members were also members of the Witan who advised the king
    > would go on pilgrimages
    > led services, heard confessions, baptised children and gave advice
    > heard about crimes committed on Church land
    > people turned to them if they were sick
  • What was the significance of Norman religious buildings?
    > showed devotion to God and power of Normans
    > used Romanesque style and built in shape of a cross
    > cathedrals where staffed by monks
    > built shrines to important saints or holy relics
  • What were William's 4 main concerns of the English Church?
    P luralism - clergy holding multiple jobs
    S imony - selling positions within the Church
    N epotism - appointing unqualified family members
    M arriage - clergy had to remain celibate
  • How were Bishops reformed in the English Church?
    > by 1080 there was only one Anglo-Saxon bishop left - the others had been replaced with Normans
    > Lanfranc was made Archbishop of Canterbury in 1070
    > Lanfranc was given the job of reforming the English Church
  • How was Architecture reformed in the English Church?
    > built in Romanesque style
    > simple but impressive
  • How was Organisation reformed in the English Church?
    > given a clear structure to keep clergy in order
    > new cathedrals built in important locations like Coventry, Salisbury and Lincoln
  • How were Legal Issues reformed in the English Church?
    > 1076 - only Church could try clergy members
    > Papal law - tax of one pence paid to the Pope by every household
  • How were Parish Priests reformed in the English Church?
    > most Anglo-Saxon priests kept their jobs and remained married
  • What were the vows of a Benedictine monk?
    > give up all wealth and personal possessions (poverty)
    > abstain from sex and other pleasures (chastity)
    > obey teachings of God (obedience)
    > never leave monastic community (stability)
  • What were the lives of monks and nuns like?
    > lived away from rest of society to get away from distractions and temptations
    > monasteries and nunneries were self-sufficient
    > would copy texts, tend to sick or help the poor
    > people would pay monasteries to pray for them
  • How did the Normans reform monasteries?

    > a new liturgy was introduced in an attempt to standardise the Church
    > brought over Norman abbots to ensure rules of St Benedict were being followed
    > Cluniac Order introduced (1077) which was more strict and made reform easier
    > the number of monasteries rose from 60 to 250 to show their importance and that the Norman rule was 'blessed by God'
    > a new hierarchy was introduced to keep priests under control and reduce corruption
  • Why did William reform the Church?
    > he had promised the Pope in exchange for the Papal Banner
    > he was concerned about the corruption in the Church
    > he was very religious
    > he thought the Cluniac's discipline would improve the standards in monasteries
  • Why did William reform education?
    > better education was needed for the growing population
    > improved skills were needed for trade
    > Norman barons and knights wanted their children to be educated highly
    > monastic reforms meant children could no longer be educated in monasteries
  • What changes were made to education under the Normans?
    > moved into separated buildings in towns
    > a large number of schools were established (40 by the end of the 12th century)
    > lessons were taught in French and writing was in Latin
    > Lanfranc and Anslem played a large part in reforming education
  • How did Grammar Schools develop?
    > wealthy boys were enrolled in grammar schools for 4 years
    > girls did not attend school
    > students were taught to speak and write Latin
    > school began in September and ended in June so peasant children could help harvest