right realism

Cards (10)

  • Wilson and Herrnstein say that a cause of crime is due to biological differences
  • Murray argues that the cause of crime is due the growing underclass who fail to socialise their children properly
  • Murray argues that people have become more dependent on the state leading to more lone mothers who are ineffective socialising agents and their sons turn to crime
  • Clarke agues that the cause of crime is due to the rational choice theory that the decision to commit crime is based on the consequences
  • The strength of the right realists is that the conservative government takes up their solutions on a bigger scale
  • The solutions of crime according to right realism are: crime prevention polices (target hardening), zero tolerance (broken windows)
  • Criticisms of the right realists are that zero tolerance can lead to more crime elsewhere and they ignore the role of the police
  • A criticism of the rational choice theory is that the biological differences theory says that people are born to commit crime so do not make a choice wether to commit a crime
  • Wilson and Kelling argue that we must keep neighbourhoods orderly to prevent crime e.g graffiti must be immediately dealt with
  • Criticism of biological differences- IQ differences account for less than 3% of differences in offending