Diagnosis + classification of SZ

Cards (11)

  • What is SZ
    Also known as psychosis, mental condition where connection between thoughts and reality is impaired
  • Prevalence and classification of SZ
    1% of worlds population - common in urban Men aged 16-25. SZ is not one single characteristic but cluster of them
  • Positive symptoms of SZ
    (Addition to healthy functions) - Hallucination: unusual sensory experiences such as hearing sounds or seeing objects. Delusions: (known as paranoia) delusions of grandeur such as ‘i am God’, delusions of persecution such as ‘Gov are tracking movements‘
  • Negative symptoms of SZ
    (Loss to healthy functions)- avolition is lack Apathy or Motivation > signs of avoltion are Poor hygiene, inefficient at job or lack of energy. Speech poverty is reduction in amount + quality of speech such as delayed responses, alternative speech problem: speech disorganisation is change in topic Mid conversation
  • Systems of Classification for SZ
    Book: international classification of disease (ICD) used in Europe, 2 negative symptoms are sufficient. Book: diagnostic + statistical manual (DSM) used in USA, 1 positive symptom is sufficient
  • Weakness of Classification and diagnosis of SZ
    Low interrater reliability > study: 2 psychiatrists independently diagnose 100 patients using both classification books: Psy 1 used DSM to diagnose 26, used ICD to diagnose 44 // Psy 2 used DSM: 13 and ICD: 24. Varied rates very subjective and depends of system used. Inconsistent
  • Weakness of classification of Sz
    Study found ICD More likely to diagnose than DSM, suggests ICD Over diagnoses or DSM under diagnoses
  • Weakness of classification of Sz
    Issue of comorbidity (occurrence of 2 illnesses or conditions simultaneously). SZ commonly diagnosed with other conditions. found patients were co diagnosed of SZ with depression (50% cases), PTSD (29%), OCD (23%), questions validity if diagnosis
  • Weakness of classification of Sz
    Symptom overlap (symptoms present in multiple conditions). Delusions observed in SZ and BPD. Avolition observed in SZ and depression. suggests SZ is more severe condition not seperate
  • Weakness of classification of Sz
    Gender bias> more men diagnosed, research focussed on men, women present symptoms differently
  • Weakness of classification of Sz
    Culture Bias > Africans more doagnosed, hearing voices more acceptable in that culture, also psychiatrists are often White which could lead to misunderstanding