
Cards (7)

    • media editors and executives are almost all m/c
    • drama roles for w/c characters are mostly limited to soap operas
  • GUMG
    Suggests media spreads view that w/c are trouble to ensure dominance in capitalist ideology
    • news criticises worker strikes
  • Glennon and Butsch
    Looked at 40 years of family on TV
    • 4% of sitcoms featured a manual worker as head of family, reality = 36%
    • nearly half of TV families had a professional and were head of household, reality = 25%
    • most TV families were wealthy and glamorous
    • W/c fathers were portrayed as stupid and comical
  • Newman
    Media gives positive attention to things that only wealthy can afford, e.g. newspapers devote attention to stocks and shares, most UK population don’t own any
  • Newman
    W/c are blamed for poverty and unemployment
    • when poverty is discussed, media talks about statistics instead of human suffering
  • Medhurst
    When m/c students were shown ‘The Royle Family’ (featuring deliberately exaggerated and stereotypical w/c characters) they thought it was an accurate portrayal
  • Hall
    Media has always portrayed m/c in a positive light and w/c in negative light
    • media has reinforced people's class identities > helps divide between the classes