Miller conducted the Magic Number 7 experiment to test capacity of STM
The Magic Number 7 experiment used number lists to test the digit span of participants
Jacobs measured capacity of STM by using digitspan for both letters and numbers
Jacobs found that the mean span for numbers is 9.3 and letters is 7.3
The 3 stages of memory is acquisition, storage, and retrieval
Synaptic pruning is where memories decay from lack of maintenance rehearsal
Miller found that chunking increases capacity
Acquisition is the early stage of the learning process where a response is first established
Storage is the nature of the memory store e.g how and where a memory is stored
Retrieval is the process of getting information out of storage
Baddeley investigated the encoding of STM & LTM by using of lists of acoustically & semantically similar/dissimilar words and getting participants to recall immediately and after 20 minutes
Baddeley found that immediate retrieval was more accurate for semantically similar words because they are encoded accoustically
Baddeley found the long-term retrieval was more accurate for acoustically similar words because they are encoded semantically
Peterson and Peterson investigated the duration of STM by preventing rehearsal for various periods of time before recalling
Peterson and Peterson found that at 3 seconds 80% recalled accurately, but at 18 seconds 10% recalled accurately
Peterson and Peterson's experiment used 24 psychology students in a lab
Peterson and Peterson's experiment supports the multi-store model