Site for biochemical reactions(may hold enzymes / ribosomes /electron carriers)
Cell recognition/signalling
Allows cell to change shape
the formation of separate membrane bound areas in a cell
Vital to cell as metabolism involves many different and often incompatible reactions
different parts of cell can have different
optimum conditions (e.g. chemical gradients)
Fluid mosaic model
Fluid- phospholipids are free to move within the layer relative to each other (flexibility)
Mosaic- proteins embedded throughout vary in size, shape and position
Phospholipid bilayer
Hydrophilic polar phosphate heads interact with water
Hydrophobic non-polar fatty acid tails form the core
Intrinsic/integral proteins
Transmembrane proteins that are embedded in both layers
Have amino acids with hydrophobic R-groups on their external surfaces which interact with hydrophobic core to keep them in place
Channel proteins = provide a hydrophilic channel that allows passive movement of polar molecules/ions down a concentration gradient
Carrier proteins = role in passive and active transport into cells often involves shape of protein changing
Extrinsic/peripheral proteins
Present on one side of bilayer
Normally have hydrophilic R-groups on their outer surfaces and interact with polar heads of phospholipids or with intrinsic proteins
act as receptors for hormones/neurotransmitters or involved in cell recognition
Extrinsic proteins on the inner side can dissociate from the membrane and take part in cell signalling or reactions
Type of intrinsic proteins
Embedded in plasma membrane with a carbohydrate (sugar) attached
Recognition as self
Cell signalling
Receptor for hormone/drug
Cell adhesion
Lipids with carbohydrate (sugar) attached
Called cell markers or antigens and can be recognised by immune system as ‘self’ or ‘non-self’
Lipid with a hydrophilic end and hydrophobic end
Regulates plasma membrane’s fluidity
Cholesterol’s hydrophilic end interacts with phospholipid’s head and cholesterol’s hydrophobic end interacts with phospholipid’s tails, pulling them together
prevent membranes becoming solid, by stopping the phospholipid molecules from getting too close and crystallising
membrane fluidity
unsaturated fatty acids are compressed, the ‘kinks’ in their tails maintain some space between the phospholipid molecules.
This “elbow room” of the double bonds help to maintain fluidity
Factors affecting membrane structure
Increase in temp= increases phospholipid’s kinetic energy
phospholipids move more and membrane loses structure
eventually membrane willcompletely break down
Loss of structure= increases permeability
carrier/channel proteins will be denatured
Factors affecting membrane structure
2. Solvents
Water (polar solvent) keeps bilayer intact- phosphate heads interact with water
Many organic solvents are less polar (e.g. alcohols) or not polar (e.g.benzene)- organic solvents will dissolve membranes
Lower concentrations of alcohols cause damage by disrupting membrane (disruption makes membrane more permeable)
Detergents also act in the same way by binding to lipids