national security

Cards (6)

  • When the Boer War broke out in 1899, the government was concerned that almost 25% of volunteer soldiers were deemed unfit for service. This led to questions being asked about the physical condition of working-class men in Britain.
  • A report produced in 1904 suggested that the physical conditions of many adult males were the result of poor diet and overcrowding. The report recommended school meals and medical inspections for children in an attempt to alleviate the problem.
    • There was also growing concern for national security (the safety of Britain). Many believed the British army was not powerful enough to win a large-scale war against a strong industrial nation with a big army such as Germany.
    • Many of the reforms, including Old Age Pensions, would not have helped in a war. This suggests that national security was not the only consideration.
    • The Definite motive for reform is that if Britain didn't have a fit and healthy workforce, it would not be able to compete in future wars or retain their status as a "great power".
    Most important as it was evident that Britain was heading towards war with Germany and so needed an efficient, healthy army to fight.