kaiser Wilhelm- the ruler of Germany who abdicated because Germany lost the war
Friedrich Ebert-leader of SPD and first chancellor of the republic
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht- leaders of Spartacist revolt
Wolfgang Kapp- nationalist who wanted Friekorps to take over Germany
Gustav Stresemann-lead the recovery of the republic through being chancellor and foreign minister
Charles Dawes- American banker who made the Dawes plan to save German economy
Civil servant
someone who works for the government in some way
Trade unions
Group of workers that protect the rights and interests of workers in various occupations
The name of the German parliament
representatives of workers form a government and take ownership of all land and property ect
coalition government
Lots of parties rule together and have to compromise to pass laws and rules
WW1 kills 2 million German soldiers and injures 4 million
After ww1 debt was 150 billion marks
750000 Germans die from food shortages during WW1
3th November 1919 - naval mutiny in Kiel after navy refuses to fight British navy
November 1918 - there has been many riots and much international unrest
9th November 1918 - Kaiser abdicates after being told the army does not support him. He flees to Holland on exile
9th November 1918 - SPD announce a new republic to wild crowds. They had to act fast
Kaisers chancellor Max von Baden gave chancellor role to Ebert
Ebert kept extremist parties (like communists) out of control and made sure they could not take over. He let 6 moderate party leaders take temporary control.
The armistice was signed on the 11th November 1918 by Erzberger
Ebert tries to increase confidence in republic
The radical left and far right did not agree with Ebert
Ebert announces elections to form new national assembly who will create new constitution
The constitution was agreed on in Weimar and was accepted 262 votes to 75 votes
War left huge living gaps between rich and poor
War made workers have restrictions on wages and owners made as much as they wanted
War left low national income
War left low industrial production
War broke traditional family values
war left 600000 widows and 2 million children with no fathers
Weimar republic were called November criminals
Weimar republic was democratic
Weimar republic lowered voting age to 21
Weimar constitution has proportional representation to aviod a party having too much power
Weimar constitution gives central governments more power and gives 18 region individuality
Weimar constitution gives small parties too much power
Weimar constitution caused many coalitions which caused weakness
Weimar constitution had article 48
Weimar republic was brought by violence and goes against the people