
Cards (9)

  • what is the difference between liturgical and non-liturgical worship?

    liturgical: formal prayer, set responses, Bible passages, music and hymns
    non-liturgical: may have hymns but no set number/order, may vary each week
  • what is holy communion?
    a service which celebrates and gives thanks for the sacrifice of Jesus’ death and resurrection
  • What is the meaning of holy communion for Catholics, Orthodox and some Anglicans?
    the bread and wine represent the body and blood of Jesus is present
  • what is the meaning of holy communion of Protestants?
    the bread and wine remain symbols of Jesus’ sacrifice, which helps believers to reflect on it.
  • what is the impact of holy communion?
    Christians recieve God‘s grace, helps strengthen their faith, they become closer to God.
  • What is the impact of baptism?
    become a member of the Christian church, be cleansed of sin, enter a new life with Christ
  • What are the 2 types of baptism?
    Believers Baptism and Infant Baptism
  • why do Christians worship?
    to praise/thank God, ask for forgiveness, seeks Gods help, deepen their relationship with God
  • why are prayers important to Christians?
    enables Christians to talk to God, helps them accept Gods will, gives sense of peace, gives strength in times of trouble