chemoreception is old - some bacteria use it to guide their movements and animals without brains use them to find food and mates
chemoreception may have evolved into chemical synaptic communication
Olfactory receptors are in the olfactory epithelium
epithelium lies at the top of nasal cavity, covers ~3cm2 in each of the 2 sides, contains ~10 million receptor cells total
epithelium is pigmented, don’t know why but richness in colour relates with olfactory sensitivity. Humans = pale yellow, cats = dark mustard brown
Receptor cells for olfaction are ciliated neurons
each receptor cell has a single dendrite that extends into the olfactory epithelium. There it branches to form a nonmotile cilia that increases the SA of the cell, greater chance of catching odorant molecules
~400 kinds of receptors ie ~400 primary odors
Olfactory receptor cells have G protein coupled receptor molecules in their membranes
when an odorant molecules binds its receptor, it activates a G protein Golf which increases the local concentration of cAMP
Receptor cells are sensitive
some can detect a single molecules of preferred chemical, ~40 have to react before we experience a smell
Olfactory receptor cells have unusual properties
they are pinocytotic, continually sipping in fluid and sending it along the nerves into the brain. don’t know why
they are short lived, degenerating after a month or 2, to be replaced by new ones from below
they send their axons into the brain through tiny holes in the cribriform plate - the plate at the base of the cranial cavity
Olfactory receptor cells have unusual properties
they are pinocytotic, continually sipping in fluid and sending it along the nerves into the brain. don’t know why
they are short lived, degenerating after a month or 2, to be replaced by new ones from below
they send their axons into the brain through tiny holes in the cribriform plate - the plate at the base of the cranial cavity
Receptor cells project to the olfactory bulb
bulb is an extension of the cerebrum and lies on the underside of the frontal lobes
the projection from the receptors to the bulb is called the olfactory nerve or cranial nerve 1
Many receptor cells converge on each bulb neuron
as with rods converging on ganglion cells, this arrangement enhances sensitivity but discards spatial information
Bulb projects directly to olfactory cortex, bypasses thalamus
olfactory cortex found in the frontal and temporal lobes
Bulb also projects to the limbic system
old group of brain regions concerned with motivation and emotion. For early animals, motivation was tightly linked to smell, used to identify food and poisons, mates and predators
emotions are no longer smell related but they are still handled by these olfactory areas. maybe why odors call up emotional memories
Olfactory sense is phasic, adapts slowly but completely
Rodents and maybe humans have pheromones
Main taste receptor cells are clustered in taste buds
Typical taste bud contains at least 5 kinds of receptor cells
sweet and umami receptor cells detect sugar (energy) and the AA glutamate (indicates protein), respectively
bitter receptor cells detect poison
salty and sour receptor cells detect Na+ and H+ - important ions
the tongue may also have receptors for fatty acids
Receptors cells of all 5 kinds all over the top of tongue
different areas of the tongue do vary slightly in their thresholds for different flavours
Taste receptor cells are grouped into 3 types
only type 3 cells form synapses with sensory neurons, activating them with serotonin
type 2 cells release ATP, which acts on neurons and type 3s
Different kinds of cell employ different membrane proteins
cells for sweet, umami, and bitter have receptor molecules coupled to a G protein called gustducin, which activates signal pathways, increasing intracellular Ca2+ and triggering release of ATP
detection of salt and sour involves ion channels which are not linked with G proteins
Experience of food depends on other sensors besides the taste buds
nerve endings in the walls of the mouth have TRP channels sensitive to temperature and chemicals. ex. vanilloid receptors respond to heat and to capsaicin in chillies; TRPM8 channels respond to cold and to menthol
Taste signals take several paths to the brain
receptor cells in taste buds excite fibers of cranial nerves 7, 9 and 10, the facial glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves. Pathways synapse in medulla and thalamus en route to the cortex
TRP receptors in the walls of the mouth excite cranial nerve 5, the trigeminal