
Cards (8)

    • ENERGY TRANSFER in chemical reactions can be measured by monitoring TEMPERATURE CHANGES.
    • The LARGER the temperature change, the LARGER the energy transferred.
  • investigate how the amount of reactants in a reaction affects the amount of energy transferred.
    • Variables like REACTANT MASS & CONCENTRATION can be investigated.
  • Insulation
    Use a POLYSTYRENE CUP with a lid for insulation to minimise energy loss to the surroundings.
    A) lid
    B) polystyrene cup
    C) thermometer
  • the method can be used measure the energy change in:
    • reactions of METALS with ACIDS
    • DISPLACEMENT reactions
    • reactions between CARBONATES & ACIDS
  • Method for a Neutralisation Reaction:
    • Prepare solutions the acid & alkali with known concentrations
    • Measure the INITIAL TEMPERATURE of the solutions
    • Mix the reactants in the insulated cup & immediately cover with a lid to prevent heat loss
    • Stir the solution
    • Measure the temperature at regular intervals (e.g. every 30 seconds) & record the HIGHEST temperature reached
    • Calculate the temperature difference between the initial & highest temp readings
    • Repeat this process for DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS of acid
  • Method for a Reaction between an Acid & a Metal:
    • measure volume of acid to the insulated cup
    • Measure the INITIAL TEMPERATURE of it with a thermometer
    • Add a KNOWN MASS of the metal & immediately cover with a lid to prevent heat loss
    • Stir
    • Measure the temp at regular intervals (e.g. every 30 seconds) & record the HIGHEST temperature reached
    • Calculate the temp difference between the initial & highest temp readings
    • use a glass beaker
    • insulate the metal container
    • add a lid
    • measure copper sulfate with a pipette
    • use same volume of copper sulfate solution
    • use a more accurate balance
    • stir the mixture
    • record the initial & highest temp
    • use a digital thermometer
    • repeat the experiment & calculate the mean, ignoring anomalous results
    • volume of copper sulfate solution
    • concentration of copper sulfate solution
    • starting temp of copper sulfate solution