Bowlby's research into attachment

Cards (3)

  • Bowlby research proposed
    that infants are only able to form attachment within the critical period. During this time the sensitivity of PCG shapes the formation of the infant's internal working model.
  • Bowlby's research highlighted
    how crucial sensitive caregiving from the mother is for healthy psychological development. His research into maternal deprivation found there are permeant and irreversible negative consequences of being deprived sensitive caregiving in infancy. This includes cognitive underdevelopment and impaired social functioning.
  • Ethical implications of this research
    • The father may feel less valued than the mother.
    • Influence on legislations like maternity/paternity leave. Government may fund maternity leave as Bowlby's theory suggests mothers are better caregivers.
    • There may be a stigma against working mothers.
    • If child has mental health issues then this is blamed on the mother as she didn't provide sensitive caregiving during the critical period.