
Cards (24)

  • Proteins are complex molecules made of a chain of amino acids. 
  • the order of the DNA bases determines the order of the amino acids
  • The order of amino acids determines the proteins shape and therefore its function
  • what are the 5 types of proteins?
    Enzymes, structural, hormones, receptors, antibodies
  • enzymes
    biological catalyst which help speed up chemical reactions
  • structural
    provide shape and support
  • hormones
    chemical messengers
  • receptors
    found on target cells for hormones to bind to
  • antibodies
    produced by lymphocytes to destroy pathogens
  • The order of DNA bases determines the order of amino acids (shapes).
    The order of amino acids determine the structure (shape) of a protein and therefore its function.
    If the order of bases is changed, the order of amino acids changes and the protein will not work
  • enzymes are made of proteins and are produced by all living things
  • enzyme are biological catalyst and increase the rate of chemical reactions
    • without enzymes the chemical reactions to maintain life would be too slow
  • enzymes can be reused as they are unchanged during chemical reactions
  • enzymes are specific because they only bind to one type of substrate and they have a specific shape
  • During an enzyme reaction, the substrate binds with the enzyme’s active site to form the enzyme substrate complex
    Once the reaction has taken place, the product is released from the active site
  • degradation reaction

    when large substrates are broken down into smaller products
  • synthesis reaction
    when smaller substrates are built up into larger products
  • enzymes are effected by temperature and PH
  • enzymes are most active when its in its optimum conditions
  • most active means
    working at its fasted rate possible
  • optimum conditions
    when the enzyme is most active
  • enzymes can become denatured at extreme temperatures
  • when enzymes become denatured the active site changes shape and the substrate can no longer bind to the active site
  • when enzymes become denatured the rate of reaction decreases