genetic engineering

Cards (9)

  • Genetic engineering involves the transfer of genetic material from one organism to another
  • step 1 of genetic engineering
    the gene is identified on the chromosome
  • step 2 of genetic engineering
    the gene is removed from the chromosome using enzymes
  • step 3 of genetic engineering
    a plasmid is removed from a bacterial cell
  • step 4 of genetic engineering
    the plasmid is cut open using enzymes
  • step 5 of genetic engineering
    the genes is sealed into the plasmid using enzymes
  • step 6 of genetic engineering
    the modified plasmid is placed into a new host bacterial cell
  • step 3 of genetic engineering
    the bacterial cell is left to divide, the product is then collected and purified
  • product of genetic engineering
    • Insulin a hormone to treat diabetes 
    • Growth Factor a hormone to treat dwarfism 
    • Testosterone a hormone to treat infertility in men or start puberty 
    • Factor VIII a protein to treat haemophilia