economics is the study of human behaviour & choice
Opportunities and choices are limited by scarce resources
Assumptions about human behaviour:
people are rational, people respond to incentives, people use cost-benefit analysis
Societies have limited resources but people have unlimited wants
Societies face trade offs
Market economy
Private sector only
Firms decide what to produce & how much to charge
Consumers decide how much to buy
neo-liberal or neo-classical to describe economists who advocate for a free- market economy
market-driven inequality in 19th century led to the creation of the socialism philosophy
Socialism emphasizes community ownership of business, examples are co-operatives & state-owned enterprises
If most businesses are state owned enterprises, it is a communist economic system
In a centrally-planned economy, the governments decides what is produced and directs resources to meet these targets
Advantages of Centrally-Planned: rationing reduces inequality, can allocatesocietalresources more efficiently in a nationalemergency
Disadvantages of centrally-planned: production is not efficient, difficult for government to choose right targets and allocate resources, lack of innovation
Mixed economy
Elements of both market & centrally-planned
In a mixed economy: Most goods are provided by private sector, the government regulates aspects of market
Public sector also provides goods and services directly
Productive efficiency - goods & services are produced at lowest possible cost
Allocated efficiency: a society's resources are used to produce a mix of goods & services that consumers actually want to buy
Positive analysis - facts and logic
Normative analysis - makes value judgements about whether what happens is desirable or not