Evil and Suffering summary booklet sheet

Cards (35)

  • What are the two types of evil discussed in the material?
    Natural evil and moral evil
  • What does moral evil involve according to the text?
    Actions and inactions of people
  • How does Job's story illustrate the concepts of natural and moral evil?
    Job suffers both types of evil
  • What question do Jesus' disciples ask regarding the blind man?
    Is it due to his sins or his parents' sins?
  • Who posed the logical problem of evil?
  • What is the inconsistent triad proposed by JL Mackie?
    God's love, power, and existence with evil
  • What conclusion does Mackie reach regarding the existence of God?
    If evil exists, God does not exist
  • What does the evidential problem of evil focus on?
    The extent and pointless nature of evil
  • Which literary work illustrates the evidential problem of evil?
    The Brothers Karamazov
  • What does Ivan allege in The Brothers Karamazov?
    Innocent children's suffering cannot be excused
  • What does JS Mill argue about the existence of evil?
    Some evils are unacceptable, like famine
  • What is Hick's concept of the "vale of soul making"?
    World suffering helps develop our souls
  • How does Hick justify the existence of evil?
    Evil is necessary for soul development
  • What does Hick's two-stage creation imply?
    We need evil to become like God
  • What is the value of free will according to the text?
    It justifies the existence of evil
  • What does epistemic distance refer to?
    True free will requires real choices
  • What do counterfactual hypotheses suggest?
    A world without suffering lacks value
  • How does universal salvation relate to injustices?
    It justifies excessive injustices
  • What is Hick's response to the logical problem of evil?
    Moral evil arises from human free will
  • What does Hick argue about natural evil?
    It helps develop human virtues
  • What are the strengths of Hick's theodicy?
    Aligns with scientific understandings of evolution
  • What are the weaknesses of Hick's theodicy?
    Justifies excessive evil like the Holocaust
  • What does the Free Will Defence (FWD) argue?
    Evil exists due to human free will
  • How does Augustine's view differ in the context of evil?
    Evil is an absence of good
  • What is the Contradiction Argument regarding evil?
    Evil is necessary for free will to exist
  • What is Plantinga's argument about free will?
    True freedom includes potential for evil
  • What does Swinburne argue about the extent of evil?
    It helps us show compassion
  • What does process theodicy reject?
    Creation out of nothing and God's omnipotence
  • How does Griffin describe God's relationship with the universe?
    God exists within and alongside the universe
  • What does Griffin argue about God's ability to prevent evil?
    God cannot intervene due to chaotic matter
  • What is the significance of suffering in process theodicy?
    It is part of the universe's complexity
  • What does Griffin say about the risk of evil?
    It was worth the risk for complexity
  • How does process theodicy view God's suffering?
    God suffers alongside humanity
  • What are the strengths of process theodicy?
    Explains natural evil through chaotic matter
  • What are the weaknesses of process theodicy?
    Challenges traditional views of God's omnipotence