Unit 4: Probability

Cards (17)

  • Where does order not matter?
  • Where does order matter?
  • What is the formula for permutations?
  • What is the formula for combinations?

    N!/(n-r)! x r!
  • A union of sets A and B means that?
    The elements belong to either sets A or B.
  • An intersection of sets A and B means that?

    The elements belong to sets A and B.
  • What is an experiment?
    A process by which an outcome is obtained.
  • What is the sample space (S)?
    A set that is composed of a finite number of possible outcomes.
  • What is an event (E)?
    Any subset of the sample space.
  • What is the probability?
    A number between 0-1 which indicates the likelihood the event will occur.
  • What is the definition of permutations with repetition?

    The number of distinguishable permutations of n objects where one object is repeated q1 times, another q2 times, etc
  • What is the definition of permutations?

    Determines the number of ways n elements (objects) can be arranged in order r ways
  • What is the fundamental counting principle?

    If one event can occur in m ways and another event can occur in n ways, then the number of ways that both events can occur is equal to m x n
  • What is the definition of probability?
    The numerical measure for the likelihood of an event occurring.
  • What is the definition of statistics?
    A collection of methods for planning experiments, obtaining data, and then organizing, summarizing, presenting, analyzing, interpreting, and drawing conclusions from the data.
  • What does or mean in terms of unions and intersections?
  • What does and mean in terms of unions and intersections?