By 1964 no longer a world power

Cards (3)

  • internationally isolated from commonwealth members
    • threat if economic collapse due to no American support in suez - led to cabinet split
    • Involvement in Korea to maintain relationship with America
    • Led to EEC rejection as Trojan horse - needed EEC due to bad economy
    • Economy too reliant on America and couldnt act alone
  • High defence expenditure - 1.8 million leads to lack of industrial investment with lowest GDP growth in Western Europe
    • Japan and Germany compete with cars and modern factories vs English Victorian repairs
    • Education reforms were too late so unskilled workforce lacking innovation
    • Didn’t invest enough in public sectors which fund independance and instead defence
  • atomic bomb 1955 to compete along side america amd Soviets but couldn’t keep up
    • traded Polaris missiles after blue streak failure for Scottish submarine bases in Hollyrood
    • after decolonising couldn’t be a world power