AO3 + AO5 for Rossetti and ADH

Cards (110)

  • Who is the author of "Notes from a Modern Tragedy"?
  • What does Ibsen suggest about women in modern society?
    Women cannot be themselves in a male society
  • What does Ibsen compare a mother in modern society to?
    Certain insects that retire and die
  • What year was the Norwegian League for Women’s Rights established?
  • What is Ibsen's view on the women's rights movement?
    He is unclear about its purpose
  • What does Harriet Taylor Mill say about women's education?
    It is aimed at gaining a husband
  • Who wrote "The Angel in the House"?
    Coventry Patmore
  • What does Patmore suggest about a woman's pleasure?
    It is to please her man
  • What does Sir Blackstone say about marriage?
    Husband and wife are one person in law
  • How does Gissing describe marriage for women?
    As a form of slavery
  • What does Jo from "Little Women" recognize?
    One needs to live
  • What does Judith Walkowitz say about women, especially prostitutes?
    They can manipulate men with sexuality
  • Who coined the term 'New Woman' and when?
    Sarah Grand in 1894
  • What does Eleanor Marx say about the ideal relationship between men and women?
    It requires love, respect, and equality
  • What does the frontispiece of "The English Gentlewoman" express?
    Conventional ideal of feminine behaviour
  • What was the purpose of conduct books for women in the 17th to 18th century?
    To instruct on proper manners and behaviour
  • What does Betty Friedan say about women in the Victorian era?
    They saw themselves in Nora
  • What question does Betty Friedan raise about women's freedoms?
    Do they want them to be human?
  • What does Walter Houghton say about the ideal woman?
    She was not expected to have a mind
  • What does Germaine Greer refer to as the "March of progress"?
    Advancements in women's rights
  • What does Judith Butler mean by "gender is performative"?
    Gender is expressed through actions
  • What does Susie Orbach say about women's bodies?
    They are policed through a patriarchal lens
  • What does Queen Victoria's diary say about her husband?
    He is her husband, father, and guide
  • What does Anne Bronte say about honour in men?
    It is more valuable than wealth
  • How does John Tosh define masculinity in the Victorian era?
    Defined by social status and economic power
  • What does Simon Avery say about Victorian manhood?
    It was often a performance dictated by norms
  • What are the main characteristics of Romanticism in literature?
    • Focus on emotion and individualism
    • Celebration of nature's beauty
    • Emphasis on sublime and personal experience
  • What does Samuel Coleridge say about imagination?
    It is the prime agent of perception
  • What are the key features of Pre-Raphaelitism?
    • Return to detail and intense color
    • Complex compositions
    • Emphasis on beauty and art in literature
  • What does the Feminism and New Woman movement advocate for?
    • Women's rights and individuality
    • Challenging traditional gender roles
    • Promoting independence
  • What does Virginia Woolf say about women's historical representation?
    Anonymous was a woman
  • What does Hawthorne say about the law in "The House of the Seven Gables"?
    It is a living, breathing thing
  • What does the system of coverture entail for married women?
    They surrender legal existence upon marriage
  • What did the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857 enable?
    Civil divorce, limiting church's jurisdiction
  • What did the Custody of Infants Act of 1839 allow?
    Mothers custody of children if father unfit
  • What did the Married Women's Property Act of 1882 achieve?
    Overturned coverture, granting property rights
  • What did the Penal Code of 1842 criminalize?
    Assault and battery
  • What did the Elementary Education Act of 1870 mandate?
    Mandatory education for children under 13
  • What are the key details of "The Awakening Conscience" by William Hunt?
    • Depicts a mistress rising from a man's lap
    • Stares at the outside world
    • Originally painted in pain and repentance
  • What is the narrative of "Past and Present" by Augustus Egg?
    • Three paintings depict family fall after infidelity
    • Husband dies, mother runs away, children left in prayer