Cards (609)

  • What are the life stages mentioned in the study material?
    Infancy, early childhood, adolescence
  • What should you do at the end of the unit regarding your development description?
    Reflect to see if changes are needed
  • How does physical growth and development progress during a person's life?
    It continues but is not always smooth
  • At what age do infants reach approximately half their adult height?
    By two years old
  • What key physical milestones do infants achieve by one year old?
    Infants can walk
  • What key physical milestone do infants achieve by two years old?
    Infants can run
  • What is the age range for early childhood?
    3–8 years
  • How do children grow during early childhood?
    They grow at a steady pace
  • What age range defines adolescence?
    9–18 years
  • What significant physical changes occur during adolescence?
    Growth spurts and sexual characteristics develop
  • What is the age range for early adulthood?
    19–45 years
  • What is a key feature of early adulthood?
    Peak of physical fitness
  • What age range defines middle adulthood?
    46–65 years
  • What begins during middle adulthood?
    The ageing process with loss of strength
  • What is the age range for later adulthood?
    65 years onwards
  • What happens to mobility in later adulthood?
    Gradual loss of mobility occurs
  • What is the difference between growth and development?
    Growth is measurable; development is complex changes
  • What are the two dimensions to consider when referring to growth?
    Weight and length/height
  • What happens to a healthy newborn's weight by four to five months?
    They double their birth weight
  • What is the average growth of infants between one and two years?
    12 cm and 2.5 kg gained
  • What is the purpose of measuring an infant's head circumference?
    To check the size and growth of the brain
  • What do centile lines on a growth chart indicate?
    Average measurements of height and weight
  • What are developmental norms?
    Average expectations for child development
  • What are milestones in development?
    Abilities achieved by most children at certain ages
  • What are the four main areas of skills acquisition?
    Physical, social, emotional, intellectual development
  • How do children experience development?
    Holistically, with interdependent areas
  • What are gross motor skills?
    Movements using large muscles of the body
  • What are fine motor skills?
    Movements requiring smaller muscles and precision
  • What is a key milestone for gross motor skills by age two?
    Infants can walk without help
  • What is a key milestone for fine motor skills by age two?
    Infants can draw lines and circles
  • What gross motor skill can children typically perform by age three?
    Use pedals to ride a tricycle
  • What fine motor skill can children typically perform by age five?
    Dress and undress on their own
  • What significant changes occur during puberty?
    Rapid growth and development of sexual characteristics
  • What is the age range when girls typically start puberty?
    11 to 13 years
  • What is the main male hormone responsible for changes during puberty?
  • What does testosterone stimulate in males during puberty?
    Sperm production and secondary characteristics
  • What is the role of hormones during puberty?
    Control sexual development and physical changes
  • What emotional changes might occur during puberty?
    Mood swings due to hormone levels
  • What is a primary sexual characteristic in males?
    Enlargement of penis and testes
  • What is a secondary sexual characteristic in females?
    Breasts develop and darken