Market failure

Cards (18)

  • Market failure
    Occurs when markets fail to deliver an efficient or equitable allocation of resources
    Due to equity and efficiency
  • Why do markets fail
    Public good and quasi-public goods are not profitable
    Factor immobility
    Equity issues
  • Types of market failure
    Partial market failure occurs due to the over or under production of goods and services
    complete market failure occurs when markets are missing entirely
  • Productive efficiency
    Occurs when a firm produces at its lowest average cost. Means it must be producing at its maximum output for its given inputs. If all firms are productively efficient, the economy would be producing on the PPF
  • cost
    The value of the economic resources used in the production process of a good or service
    Costs can be reduced through specialisation, new technology, training, increasing scale of production (EOS), reallocation to LEDCs
  • Pareto efficiency
    Occurs when no one can be made better off without making someone else worse off, so all points on the PPF.
    Pareto improvement occurs when someone can be made better off without making others worse off
  • Pareto efficiency and equity
    An outcome may be viewed as a Pareto improvement yet the outcome may still be unfair.
  • Allocative efficiency
    Occurs when the welfare of society is maximised. It is concerned with whether resources are used to produce goods that consumers wish to buy
    Price- affordable?
    Sufficient production?
    Occurs at equilibrium price
  • Price effect on social welfare
    At equilibrium, welfare is maximised as PS+CS is largest
    If prices above equilibrium, PS is larger yet deadweight loss meaning total welfare is smaller
    If prices below equilibrium, CS is larger, yet deadweight loss meaning total welfare is lower
  • Social welfare equation
    Social welfare/ net benefit= value of social - value of social costs
    Benefits exceed costs if welfare
  • Social benefit
    The satisfaction or benefit that society derives from an economic activity
    social benefit= private benefit + external benefit
  • private benefit
    The satisfaction or benefit received by individuals involved in an economic activity
  • external benefit
    The satisfaction or benefit that third parties (those who are not involved in the economic activity or decision) receive from an economic activity
    External benefits mean social benefits exceed private benefits
  • Social costs
    the cost or negative effect that society incurs from an economic activity
    Social cost= private cost + external cost
  • private cost
    The cost or negative effect incurred by individuals involved in an economic activity
  • external cost
    the cost or negative effect that third parties (those not involved in the economic activity or decision) incur from an economic activity
    External costs meaning social costs exceed private costs
  • Externalities
    A benefit or cost to a third party from an economic activity or deacon undertaken by others
    Positive externalities are external benefits
    Negative externalities are external costs
  • Marginal social benefit
    The satisfaction/ utility that society derives from the consumption/ production of an extra unit of a good or service