classification of schizo

Cards (39)

  • What is the focus of class one of schizophrenia?
    Classification of schizophrenia
  • What are the two types of symptoms for schizophrenia?
    Positive and negative symptoms
  • Why is diagnosing schizophrenia not foolproof?
    Due to issues with validity and reliability
  • What percentage of the British population is affected by schizophrenia?
    About one percent
  • At what age do the first symptoms of schizophrenia usually appear?
    Between 15 and 45
  • Which gender is more likely to develop schizophrenia?
  • What is a common misconception about schizophrenia?
    It involves multiple personalities
  • How can schizophrenia be defined?
    As a break from reality
  • What are the two positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
    Hallucinations and delusions
  • What do positive symptoms represent in schizophrenia?
    Experiences additional to normal experience
  • What do negative symptoms represent in schizophrenia?
    Lack of normal experiences or abilities
  • Who identifies the symptoms of schizophrenia?
    A clinician
  • What guides do clinicians use to diagnose schizophrenia?
    DSM-5 or ICD
  • How many symptoms must be present for a schizophrenia diagnosis?
    Two symptoms for at least a month
  • What is a common type of hallucination in schizophrenia?
    Hearing critical voices
  • What are delusions in schizophrenia?
    Irrational beliefs about reality
  • What is abolition in the context of schizophrenia?
    Loss of normal motivation and energy
  • What does speech poverty refer to in schizophrenia?
    Loss of depth in communication
  • How can disorganized speech manifest in schizophrenia?
    Random words added, jumping topics
  • What is inter-rater reliability?
    Consistency between different doctors' diagnoses
  • What is test-retest reliability?
    Same doctor gives same diagnosis over time
  • What was the concordance rate found in the 1963 review of schizophrenia diagnoses?
    54 percent
  • What does low inter-rater reliability suggest?
    Many may be misdiagnosed
  • What is comorbidity in the context of schizophrenia?
    Diagnosis alongside other mental health conditions
  • What percentage of schizophrenia patients also have depression according to Buckley?
    50 percent
  • What is symptom overlap in schizophrenia?
    Shared symptoms with other mental health conditions
  • How does gender bias affect schizophrenia diagnosis?
    Women may be underdiagnosed
  • At what age do men typically develop schizophrenia symptoms?
    Around 25
  • What is a potential reason for underdiagnosis in women?
    Better social ability and coping strategies
  • What cultural bias is noted in schizophrenia diagnosis in the UK?
    Afro-Caribbean individuals are overdiagnosed
  • What did studies in the Caribbean show about schizophrenia rates?
    Same one percent likelihood as the UK
  • What is category failure in the context of schizophrenia diagnosis?
    Western definitions misapplied to non-western cultures
  • How might Afro-Caribbean culture interpret hearing voices?
    As a religious experience
  • What did Lauren and Powell's research find about diagnosis bias?
    Diagnosis influenced by client and psychiatrist's race
  • What are the key issues with the diagnosis of schizophrenia?
    • Reliability issues:
    • Inter-rater reliability
    • Test-retest reliability
    • Validity issues:
    • Comorbidity
    • Symptom overlap
    • Gender bias
    • Cultural bias
  • What are the differences in symptom presentation between genders in schizophrenia?
    • Men:
    • Develop symptoms earlier
    • More likely to have negative symptoms
    • Worse social functioning
    • Women:
    • Develop symptoms later
    • More likely to have positive symptoms
    • Better coping strategies
  • What are the implications of misdiagnosis in schizophrenia?
    • Inappropriate treatment
    • Missing out on necessary treatment
    • Complicated treatment due to comorbidity
  • What are the cultural considerations in diagnosing schizophrenia?
    • Misdiagnosis due to cultural differences
    • Afro-Caribbean culture's acceptance of hearing voices
    • Category failure in applying Western definitions
  • What are the effects of gender and race on schizophrenia diagnosis?
    • Women less likely to be diagnosed
    • Black clients more likely to be diagnosed
    • Accurate diagnosis when client and psychiatrist share race and sex