explanations for forgetting

    Cards (27)

    • What is the main topic of the psychoboost video?
      Explanations for forgetting
    • What common experience illustrates forgetting in the video?
      Forgetting why you entered a room
    • What are the two types of interference discussed?
      • Proactive interference
      • Retroactive interference
    • What is proactive interference?
      Old information interferes with new information
    • What is retroactive interference?
      New information disrupts recall of old information
    • How does similarity of information affect interference?
      Similar information increases likelihood of interference
    • What role does time sensitivity play in interference?
      Smaller time gaps increase likelihood of interference
    • Who conducted research on retroactive interference?
    • What did Schmidt's research find about recalling street names?
      More recent moves led to fewer recalled names
    • Who conducted research on proactive interference?
      Greenberg and Underwood
    • What was the outcome of Greenberg and Underwood's study?
      Recall decreased with more learned word lists
    • What is cue-dependent forgetting?
      • Information is in long-term memory
      • Cannot access it without correct cues
      • Influenced by contextual information during encoding
    • What is the encoding specificity principle?
      Memory recall is influenced by contextual cues
    • What are context-dependent cues?
      Cues from the external environment that trigger memories
    • Which study demonstrated context-dependent cues?
      Godden and Baddeley's study
    • What did Godden and Baddeley find about recall?
      Recall was better in the same environment
    • What are state-dependent cues?
      Cues from internal states like mood or arousal
    • Who conducted research on state-dependent cues?
    • What did Overton find about recall in different states?
      Recall was better in the same state
    • What are category-dependent cues?
      Cues linked to organized information for recall
    • Who provided evidence for category-dependent cues?
      Tolving and Pearlstone
    • What was the outcome of Tolving and Pearlstone's study?
      Categorized recall was significantly better
    • What are some practical applications of forgetting research?
      • Revision strategies for students
      • Improving eyewitness testimony accuracy
      • Cognitive interview techniques
    • What does interference theory suggest about forgetting?
      Forgetting may be a temporary process
    • What is a limitation of interference theory?
      It can't explain all everyday forgetting
    • What is a criticism of memory research methods?
      Many studies lack mundane realism
    • What is the focus of the next psychoboost video?
      Factors affecting eyewitness testimony accuracy