aims and hypotheses

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    • What are the main topics covered in the video?
      Research aims and hypotheses
    • What is the difference between research aims and hypotheses?
      Aims outline what to investigate; hypotheses state testable predictions
    • Why might a researcher choose to investigate a specific aim?
      Previous research raised interesting questions
    • What is a hypothesis?
      A precise statement that can be tested
    • What must a hypothesis include in an experiment?
      Independent and dependent variables
    • How would you operationalize the variable 'recall' in a study?
      By stating the number of words recalled
    • What is the null hypothesis?
      It states no difference between conditions
    • What is the alternate hypothesis?
      It suggests a difference between conditions
    • How do scientists treat the null hypothesis?
      They accept it unless evidence rejects it
    • What is the significance of the term 'falsifiability' in science?
      Theory must be open to being proven false
    • What probability threshold is used to accept the alternate hypothesis?
      One in 20 or less
    • What does accepting an alternate hypothesis imply?
      Evidence is strong but not perfect
    • What should you avoid saying in scientific writing?
      Using the word 'prove'
    • What is the difference between a directional and non-directional hypothesis?
      Directional specifies the expected direction of results
    • When would a researcher use a directional hypothesis?
      If previous research indicates the direction
    • What are the two types of hypotheses in research?
      • Null hypothesis (H0): No difference between conditions
      • Alternate hypothesis (H1): Suggests a difference exists
    • What are the steps in hypothesis testing?
      1. Formulate null and alternate hypotheses
      2. Collect data
      3. Use statistical tests
      4. Evaluate evidence to accept or reject hypotheses
    • What are the implications of using the word 'prove' in science?
      • 'Prove' implies absolute certainty
      • Science is based on evidence, not proof
      • Theories must be falsifiable
    • What resources are available for students on
      • Over 170 videos for qualifications
      • Bonus resources for Patreon supporters
      • Tutorial videos and Discord channel access
    • Who supports the development of the research methods unit on psycboost?
      • Students and teachers on Patreon