holism V reductionism

Cards (45)

  • What do many psychologists prefer when explaining behavior?
    A clear, precise explanation
  • Why might someone be aggressive according to psychologists?
    Due to positive reinforcement of past aggression
  • What is a benefit of having a reductionist explanation for behavior?
    It allows for testing simple explanations
  • How can genetic tests help in understanding disorders?
    By identifying certain genes in populations
  • What can studies correlating adult aggression with childhood experiences help with?
    They can assist in treatment approaches
  • What is a potential treatment if genes affect neurotransmitter levels?
    Drug treatments to correct imbalances
  • What is a criticism of reductionist explanations in psychology?
    They may oversimplify complex behaviors
  • What do holistic explanations of behavior include?
    All interacting factors affecting behavior
  • What is the focus of idiographic investigations?
    Rich, detailed information about individuals
  • What are levels of explanation in psychology?
    • Explanations vary from lower (fundamental) to higher (holistic) levels
    • Lower levels focus on basic components
    • Higher levels consider multiple interacting variables
  • How might different scientists explain the growth of a plant?
    Using various levels of explanation
  • What might a social psychologist say about a violent criminal's aggression?
    It results from cultural factors and peer influence
  • How would a behaviorist explain aggression in a criminal?
    As learned responses reinforced by rewards
  • What do biological psychologists suggest about aggression?
    It is influenced by brain structures and neurochemicals
  • How do schemas relate to aggressive behavior?
    They are formed from rewarding aggressive experiences
  • What role do family and peers play in aggression development?
    They shape the environment for learning aggression
  • What is a criticism of reductionism in psychology?
    It may ignore the complexity of human experience
  • What is an emergent property in the context of reductionism?
    Complex features arising from simple interactions
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of reductionism and holism?
    Advantages of reductionism:
    • Identifies individual variables for testing
    • Establishes cause and effect relationships
    • Empirical methods enhance scientific respectability

    Disadvantages of reductionism:
    • Ignores multiple interacting causes
    • Oversimplifies complex behaviors
    • May lead to loss of meaning in explanations
  • How has a reductionist approach benefited psychology?
    It has led to effective treatments like drug therapies
  • What is a limitation of viewing the brain as a computer?
    It overlooks emotional and reconstructive aspects
  • What do holistic approaches emphasize in research?
    Gathering meaningful information from multiple factors
  • What is the purpose of the psych Boost flash card app?
    To test knowledge with multiple choice questions
  • What resources does the psych Boost app offer to patrons?
    Exclusive exam tutorial videos and resources
  • How many multiple choice questions does the psych Boost app include?
    Over 1,500 questions
  • What is the focus of the next psych Boost video?
    Idiographic and nomothetic investigations
  • What is the main argument of reductionism?
    The simplest explanation is the best one
  • What does parsimony refer to in reductionism?
    The principle of simplicity in explanations
  • What is biological reductionism?
    Simplifying behavior to biological variables
  • What is environmental reductionism?
    Explaining behavior through stimulus-response mechanisms
  • What is machine reductionism?
    Using computer analogies for brain function
  • What is the role of reinforcement in behavior according to behaviorists?
    It strengthens behaviors through rewards
  • How do neurotransmitters relate to behavior?
    They influence mood and behavior patterns
  • What is the significance of dopamine in behavior?
    It is linked to pleasure and reward
  • How do schemas affect behavior according to cognitive psychology?
    They shape interpretations and responses to situations
  • What is the relationship between social context and aggression?
    Social context influences the development of aggressive behavior
  • What is the importance of considering multiple causes in behavior?
    It provides a more comprehensive understanding
  • How does reductionism contribute to scientific respectability in psychology?
    By allowing objective testing of variables
  • What is a potential downside of reductionism in explaining relationships?
    It may overlook the uniqueness of individual experiences
  • What is the significance of emergent properties in psychology?
    They highlight the complexity of human experience