According to Bowlby’s maternal deprivation theory, what does it mean to be deprived of an attachment figure?
Deprivation is when a child does not have a loving attachment figure during their critical period
According to Bowlby’s maternal deprivation theory, what are the consequences of being deprived of an attachment figure?
The consequences of deprivation are irreversible, and involved impaired cognitive, emotional, and behavioural development.
What is meant by: The PDD model?
The PDD model relates to short-term deprivation, where children are separated from their main caregiver, and display three stages of emotion; protest, despair, and detachment.
Which study found support for the PDD model?
Bowlby and Robertson’s (1971) case study on Little John shows support for the PDD model.
Which study found support for the idea that deprivation leads to delinquency?
Bowlby’s ‘The 44 Thieves’ study
Which case study found support for the idea that the effects of deprivation can be reversed?
Koluchova (1972) case study on a pair of deprived twins shows support for the idea that the effects of deprivation can be reversed.
What are 3 limitations to Bowlbys maternal deprivation theory?
confounding variables may effect (abuse)
evidence shows it can be reversed
Confusion with Privation
According to Michael Rutter, what is meant by privation?
A complete lack of attachment during the critical period
According to Michael Rutter, what is meant by deprivation?
When a child forms an attachment to a loving caregiver, which is then broken or removed.
What is meant by: Institutionalisation?
When children grow up in an institution such as an orphanage or foster home.
What are two weaknesses of research into institutionalisation?
often the research is longitudinal and attrition could cause results
social desirability bias - avoid being negatively judged