A secure attachment refers to a healthy and stable emotional bond between a child and their caregiver, characterised by trust, safety, and responsiveness.
High stranger anxiety
Caregiver is used as a safe base
High separation anxiety
Happy reunion behaviour
What is meant by: An insecure avoidant attachment?
An insecure avoidant attachment is an attachment style where a child forms a weak and indifferent attachment to their caregiver.
low stranger anxiety
low separation anxiety
an indifference to the caregiver even after reunion
What is meant by: An insecure resistant attachment?
An attachment style where a child forms an attachment based on inconsistent caregiving, leading to attention-seeking behaviour.
unwillingness to explore without the caregiver
high stranger anxiety
high separation anxiety
angry reunion behaviour
Which researcher first investigated attachment styles?
Mary Ainsworth
What is meant by: A collectivist culture?
A culture that values the group over the individual.
What is meant by: An individualistic culture?
A culture that emphasizes individual goals, independence, and personal achievement.
Which researchers investigated cultural variations in attachment styles?
Ijzendoorn and Kroonenburg.
What are three strengths of the Strange Situation study?
controlled extraneous variables
easy to replicate
reliable across time
What are three weaknesses of the Strange Situation study?