Mechanical/physical weathering

Cards (36)

  • mechanical weathering occurs when exposed rocks are physically broken down into smaller pieces called regolith
  • mechanical weathering takes place on areas of weakness in rock
  • mechanical weathering mainly takes place in areas of extremes of temperature such as deserts and mountains
  • There are two main types of mechanical weathering:
    • Freeze-thaw action
    • Exfoliation
  • Freeze-thaw action can also be called frost shattering
  • Freeze-thaw action is the most common type of mechanical weathering
  • Freeze-thaw action is common in upland areas as where there is a plentiful supply of precipitation and temperatures fluctuate above and below freezing
  • Water fills the cracks during the day when the temperature is warm
  • What is physical weathering?
    Breaking down of rocks into smaller particles
  • What is regolith?
    Smaller particles resulting from weathering
  • Where does physical weathering generally occur?
    Areas with little vegetation and extreme climates
  • What are the main types of physical weathering?
    Freeze-thaw action and exfoliation
  • What is freeze-thaw action also known as?
    Frost action
  • In what type of areas does freeze-thaw action commonly occur?
    Mountainous areas with frequent temperature changes
  • What conditions are necessary for freeze-thaw action to occur?
    Frequent temperature changes and rainfall
  • How does freeze-thaw action lead to rock breakdown?
    Water freezes, expands, and widens cracks
  • What happens to the water during freeze-thaw cycles?
    It freezes and expands, then melts
  • What is the term for weathered rock that moves down slope?
    Mass movement
  • What is weathered rock known as?
    Scree or talus
  • Where can evidence of scree slopes be seen?
    Croagh Patrick and The Sugarloaf
  • What is exfoliation also known as?
    Onion weathering
  • In which regions does exfoliation occur?
    Regions with large diurnal temperature ranges
  • What temperature can desert rocks reach during the day?
    50 C
  • What happens to rocks at night in deserts?
    They cool and contract
  • How does the process of exfoliation weaken rocks?
    Expansion and contraction cause outer layers to shatter
  • What collects at the base of rocks due to exfoliation?
    Broken layers forming scree
  • What is the significance of regolith in weathering processes?
    It represents the product of weathering
  • How does vegetation cover affect physical weathering?
    Less vegetation increases physical weathering rates
  • What specific conditions favor freeze-thaw action?
    Frequent temperature changes and rainfall
  • How do temperature fluctuations impact rock integrity?
    They cause expansion and contraction, weakening rocks
  • What role does gravity play in mass movement of weathered materials?
    It causes regolith to move down slope
  • What are the characteristics of scree and talus?
    They are accumulations of weathered rock
  • Where can evidence of physical weathering be observed geographically?
    In mountainous regions and deserts
  • What is the process of exfoliation?
    Peeling away of rock layers
  • How does diurnal temperature range influence exfoliation?
    It causes expansion and contraction of rocks
  • What physical changes do rocks undergo during temperature fluctuations?
    They expand when heated and contract when cooled