
Cards (47)

  • SOGIE stands for sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • Everyone has a sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.
  • LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer and/or questioning.
  • SOGIE is not only intended for LGBTQ+ people but for each individual.
  • SOGIE covers a spectrum of sexuality and orientation for each human being.
  • Sex characteristics refer to a person’s physical characteristics at birth, such as genitalia, chromosomes, and hormones.
  • Male refers to a person born with XY chromosomes and has male reproductive and sex organs.
  • Female refers to a person born with XX chromosomes and has female reproductive and sex organs.
  • Intersex is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive and sex organ that doesn't fit the definitions of male or female.
  • Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sexual and emotional attraction to others.
  • Discussion of masculinity and femininity is a part of gender awareness and sensitivity.
  • Musculinity is characterized as dominant, achievement oriented, active, ambitious, forceful, self confident, rational, and tough.
  • Meanings attached to symbols are socially created and not natural.
  • Gender sensitivity is translating this awareness in the design of development policies, programs, and budgets.
  • Feminity is characterized as affectionate, appreciative, emotional, friendly, sympathetic, mild, and sensitive.
  • Gender awareness is the ability to view society from the perspective of gender roles.
  • GENDER NEUTRAL is a person whose qualities and characteristics differ from those which are traditionally associated with a man or a woman.
  • MASCULINE is a person who has qualities and characteristics which are traditionally associated with men.
  • GENDER EXPRESSION is how you express yourself to the world.
  • GENDER IDENTITY is how you identify yourself.
  • GENDER EXPRESSION is the presentation of an individual, including physical appearance, clothing choice, and behaviors that express aspects of gender identity or role.
  • ANDROGYNOUS is a person whose qualities and characteristics are a combination of those traditionally associated with a man and a woman.
  • The Gender Binary is the idea that there are only two opposite types of people: male-bodied people who are masculine, and female-bodied people who are female.
  • TRANSGENDER individuals identify themselves differently from the sex they were born with, for example, a person born biologically as a male (has a penis) and identifies as a female (TRANSWOMAN), a person born biologically as a female (has a vagina) and identifies as a male (TRANSMAN).
  • SEXUAL ORIENTATION refers to to whom you are attracted with.
  • Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed, including norms, behaviors, and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other.
  • FEMININE is a person who has qualities and characteristics which are traditionally associated with a woman.
  • CISGENDERGENDERQUEER refers to a person who does not identify themselves as belonging to conventional binary categories (Male or Female).
  • TRANSEXUAL is a person who has undergone sex change surgery or is in the process of physical change to match their gender identity.
  • Being Masculine for men means that boys are not born with an inborn desire for football and color blue, those characteristics are socially learned.
  • Teachers and school administrators model gender roles and sometimes demonstrate gender stereotypes by responding to male and female students in different ways.
  • Gender socialization is a lifelong process, the beliefs about gender that we acquire in childhood can affect us throughout our lives.
  • Structural Functionalism Theory views the family as the most integral component of society, assumptions about gender roles within marriage assume a prominent place in this perspective.
  • Patriarchal societies are characterized by men experiencing privilege and holding the majority of power in society.
  • In Structural Functionalism Theory, men typically took care of responsibilities outside of the home, such as hunting, and women typically took care of the domestic responsibilities in or around the home.
  • Being feminine means girls are not born with an inborn desire for ballet and color pink, those characteristics are socially learned.
  • Peer interactions contribute to gender socialization, children tend to play with same-gender peers and learn what their peers expect of them as boys or girls.
  • Conflict Theory views society as a struggle for dominance among social groups, men are typically viewed as the dominant group and women as the subordinate group.
  • Parents are typically a child’s first source of information about gender, starting at birth, parents communicate different expectations to their children depending on their sex.
  • Symbolic Interactionism Theory understands human behavior by analyzing the critical role of symbols in human interaction.