Theology Final Review (Unit 1-4)

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Cards (215)

  • Explain what does it mean by "reason" in the expression, "Faith and Reason"?
    Reason is the meaning behind doing/believing in something. "The Why" factor, the intellect of the expression, "Faith and Reason."
  • What is "Natural Faith"? Give an example
    Natural Faith is the belief in trusting what another person or source tells you. For example, learning the information that you learned from your professor in your calculus class.
  • Reason
    Natural knowledge, knowledge achieved by human means
  • Faith
    Knowledge revealed by God
  • Sense Knowledge
    Images and data are received through physical contact with the world ( 5 senses) and Common Sense
  • Imaginative Knowledge
    Impressions and Sense data in the mind which can be recalled and combined, like picturing a parrot in your mind and painting it
  • Intellectual Memory
    You don't remember experiencing 2 + 2 = 4, you know it. You don't merely have the images, sense impressions, you also have the intellectual ideas themselves
  • Sense Memory
    Tied to a particular moment
    An experience of sense data, can "trigger" a memory
  • Intellectual Knowledge
    The understanding of meaning and causes, knowing the nature of things
  • The supernatural builds on the natural
  • Faith and Reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation ( or ideas ) of truth
  • The Supernatural Virtue
    It is a habit and had to do with God, Goodness
  • Faith heals and elevates reason (definition)
    Faith shows that there is a supernatural force and helps to show a rational understanding to reason
  • Negative Theology
    Recognize that our images and concepts are drawn from the natural world. We deny that limitations apply to God. God is not bound by time. "We cannot grasp what he is, but only what he is not, and how other beings stand in relation to him"
  • In Which the intellect
    It involves the mind accepting knowledge
  • Moved by the Will
    Each person co-operates in choosing to have faith
  • Which is moved by God
    God enables the person to believe
  • To assent to what God reveals
    The content of faith is revelation given by God (scripture, the Bible)
  • 4 ways that Faith and Reason interact
    Both are ways of receiving knowledge, Faith heals and elevates reason, They do not contradict each other, Reason helps to establish the foundations of faith
  • Bob does experiments in his chemistry class to understand chemical processes. He reads the Bible to understand the meaning of life.
    Both are ways of receiving knowledge (example)
  • How does the Catholic intellectual tradition differ from fideism?
    Fideism is the belief in faith wholly based on the force of the will. They refuse to look at faith through reason, which is against the Catholic intellectual tradition.
  • Fideism
    An attitude towards faith that never tests it by reason, or asks about its reasonableness. This attitude is not the classical Catholic attitude towards faith.
  • Praeambula Fidei
    Reasonable explanations that "go before faith" and help clear the way for it. For example, recognizing that the universe is orderly and knowable.
  • Positive Theology
    Making affirmative statements about God, based on God's Revelation. God is Good. 
  • How did Christianity impact the sarcophagus carving tradition?
    The traditional images remained, but Jesus was incorporated into them to give a deeper meaning
  • According to Robert Sarah, how does faith enable human happiness?
    Faith enables human happiness through the belief in God. God nourishes our lives and we believers are confident in Him. "Faith is like the Sun: it shines, lights up, radiates, and warms everything that gravitates around it."
  • According to Robert Sarah, how does faith safeguard the dignity of the human person?
    Faith safeguards the dignity of the human person by guiding us in our journey as light and helping us through our negative moments in time, " a light for our darkness."
  • What are the two levels in the song "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"?
    Natural Level: Hope of Freedom: Underground Railroad
    Supernatural Level: Hope of Eternal Life: a freedom that dignifies and cannot be taken away
  • The supernatural gives added motivation and courage for the natural
  • What is Robert Sarah's general opinion of the interaction between faith and reason?
    He mostly talks about ways in which Faith corrects errors
  • "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"
    Expresses both a desire for eternal life, and a hope for freedom.
  • What would a theory of evolution look like that was compatible with Christian Revelation?
    God is the origin of evolution, He had naturally created the world with the purpose of everything evolving on its own, simple to complex process
  • Genesis teaches that the world is good
    This is the reason why the Catholic Faith has so many celebrations and blessings.
  • Primary Cause
    God. That which starts and supports other causes.
  • What are options for what the Bible teaches by "seven-day Creation"?
    Creation Account 1 and 2, both are different perspectives on "seven-day Creation"
  • Genesis teaches that the world is not God, but rather comes from his mind
    This teaching has encouraged many to study the world to try to understand it.
  • Secondary Cause
    A real cause, although it relies on the primary cause in some way. Human freedom, which is supported and enabled by God's creative power is an example.
  • In the book of Genesis, the number 7 stands for perfection.Which of these are ways to read the "seven-day creation" in Genesis that would respect the text of the Bible?
    Creation literally took place in 7 24-hour days.Creation took place in seven-time slots of undetermined length.Creation has an order and purpose, which is expressed by the number "7."
  • Explain how the Christian understanding of revelation sheds light on the created world as: good and intelligible. What implications can it show on how we view the world?
    The world is first of all, good. It gets damaged since evil enters it. But in a way, goodness is first. Creation is good. The practice of prayer is good. Blessings are good, especially in negative times.
  • Creation Account #1
    Having a 7-day account expresses this completion of goodness, of wisdom to God's creation.
    Start with what is simple to what is complex ,God creates with order and goodness.