Reflex action times

Cards (13)

  • What is the practical objective of the experiment?
    Investigate reaction time with ruler drop test
  • What apparatus is needed for the ruler drop test?
    • Metre ruler
    • Chair
    • Table
    • Partner
  • Which hand should be used for the experiment if you are right-handed?
    Your left hand should be used
  • What is the first step in the method of the ruler drop test?
    Sit down with good upright posture
  • How should the forearm be positioned during the test?
    Across the table with hand overhanging
  • What should your partner do with the ruler before dropping it?
    Hold it vertically with the zero mark at your thumb
  • What should you do when the ruler is dropped?
    Catch it as quickly as possible
  • What should you record after catching the ruler?
    The number level with the top of your thumb
  • What should you do after the first attempt of the drop test?
    Rest briefly and repeat the test
  • What is the independent variable in this experiment?
    The person trying to catch the ruler
  • What is the dependent variable in this experiment?
    How far the ruler dropped
  • What are the important control variables in the experiment?
    Position of ruler and distance between fingers
  • What is the overall procedure for the ruler drop test?
    1. Sit with good posture.
    2. Position weaker hand overhanging the table.
    3. Partner holds ruler at thumb level.
    4. Partner drops ruler without warning.
    5. Catch the ruler and record the measurement.
    6. Rest and repeat several times.
    7. Swap roles with partner.
    8. Convert measurements to reaction times.