vicarious liability

Cards (22)

  • vl is where a person is held responsable for the torts of another person
  • barclays bank - liability arrises when there is a position akin to employment and there is a close connection between employment and tort
  • element 1 - akin to employment
  • there is no liability for an independant contractor - barclays
  • control test - told what to do and when - yewens v noakes
  • includes borrowed or hired workers - hawley
  • integration test - stevenson jordan
  • economic reality test - ready mix concrete
  • if employment status is unclear then christian brothers case is applied
  • christian brothers - employer has means to compensate v - act was committed by employee on behalf of - employer created risk by hiring employee
  • viastems - more than one employer can be liable
  • element 2 - sufficiently close connection
  • lister v hall - introduced close connection test
  • dubai aluminium - close connection is the starting point
  • cox v moj - organisation doesn't have to make a profit to be liable
  • muhammed v morrisons - what was the nature of the job - was there a connection
  • armes v nottingham - is the role integral to the business
  • rose v plenty - acts against employers wishes
  • twine v beans - acts under the wishes
  • centry insurance - liable if job done negligently
  • frolic employer not liable - hilton v burton
  • liable if paid frolic - smith v stages