micropropagation= process of making largenumbers of geneticallyidentical offspring from a singleparent plant using tissue culture.
Why use micropropagation
When seeds aren't easily produced
Doesn't respond well to naturalcloning
Rare plant
Genetically modifies
Must be pathogenfree for growers.
Tissue culture
Excise plant tissue, often from meristem from shoottips.
Sterilisation (bleach, ethanol, sodium dichloroisocyanuiate, which doesn't need to be rinsed off) sterile conditions to avoid contamination by bacteria and fungus.
Callus formation= explant placed in sterile culture medium, containing plant hormones (auxins, cytokines to stimulate mitosis) growing into a callus.
Plantlet formation= cells from callus are transferred to a new culture with plant hormones to stimulate growth of shoots and roots.
Plantlets plotted to grow into small plants then into crops.
Rapid production
Genetically identical
Disease free
All new GM plants will have desiredcharacteristics