Economic Growth and Cycles

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Cards (189)

  • Give detail on PPPs:
    • PPPs are the rates of currency conversion that equalise the purchasing power of different currencies by eliminating the price difference between countries.
    • the purchasing power of a currency refers to the currency needed to purchase a given unit of a good, or common basket of goods and services.
  • What are PPPs cells determined by?
    PPPs are clearly determined by cost of living and inflation. They are taken into account.
  • Why are PPPs useful?
    • It is about knowing how far your income will take you.
    • PPPs allow economists to compare economic productivity and standards of living between countries.
  • In the short run, what is the primary cause of an increase in economic growth and what does it lead to?

    • An increase in aggregate demand.
    • This leads to actual economic growth.
    • Economic growth can also occur if there is an increase in short-run aggregate supply.
  • What are the two causes that Can lead to actual economic growth?
    • an increase in aggregate demand
    • an increase in aggregate supply
  • What are some details about potential economic growth?
    • For long-run economic growth to occur, there must be an increase in the productive capacity of the economy, that is to say an increase in long-run aggregate supply.
    • This leads to potential economic growth.
  • What are the cons of economic growth?
    • negative externalities - environmental impacts
    • wealth and income inequality
    • inflation - demand-pull
    • worsening trade balance (higher impacts and stronger currency)
    • depletion of net resources
    • over-worked employees/capital
  • What are the measures of economic growth?
    • GNP
    • GDP
    • GNI
  • What are some details about GNP?
    • GNP plus net income from abroad
    • GNP increased the income from UK firms abroad
    • GNP=GDP+net income receipts from assets abroad - income of foreign nationals within the economy.
  • What are some details about GDP?
    • The total value of output produced in a given time period.
    • GDP includes the output of foreign owned businesses that are located in a nation following foreign direct investment.
  • What are some details about GNI?
    • GNI measures the final value of incomes flowing to UK owned factors of production whether they are located in the UK or overseas.
    • GNI=GDP+payments by foreign nationals into hte country for such things as investments (interest and dividends), less similar payments paid out of the country.