Cards (300)

  • The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of the Philippines Diliman has prepared a compendium of topics for living in the IT era, titled "GEE - Living in the IT Era".
  • The course learning outcomes for the "GEE - Living in the IT Era" lecture notes include spreading information about the issues and challenges directly related to the information technology environment and professionals.
  • The intended learning outcomes for the "GEE - Living in the IT Era" lecture notes include analyzing how IT influences the society, culture and social behavior, discussing the issues and challenges of Information Technology, and demonstrating competence in detecting potential security vulnerabilities, and ways of recovering from the effects of attacks.
  • The history of humanity has witnessed several revolutions, the latest one being the revolution of information and communication technology.
  • The revolution of information and communication technology caused a rupture between everything that is old and what is considered new today is quickly turned into an old and obsolete trend tomorrow.
  • The demand for information facilities has increased due to the evolutions in the need for these facilities.
  • Information systems are becoming increasingly important due to their ability to satisfy the needs of enterprises information.
  • Information systems have become dependent on sophisticated technology that has greatly facilitated access to information and clearly reduced access costs.
  • The telecommunications sector has undergone a decisive transformation in a short period thanks to the technological developments that underpin it.
  • The telecommunications sector has become the infrastructure of what is known today as the knowledge economy which depends on the information and its delivery methods in the shortest time and at the lowest costs possible.
  • Information technology is a fundamental and innovative revolution that has touched human life considerably in the last century.
  • Information technology has been exploited in all aspects of life and no domain has remained immune to this policy, which facilitates tasks for both the company and the staff.
  • The challenges of AI include high cost, machine dependency, and lack of transparency.
  • Technology should be used as a learning tool, and should not substitute real world interactions.
  • IT trends are developments in information technology, which quickly gain ground and are commonly used by many.
  • Social media should not dictate the expectations and rules for ourselves.
  • AI has already shown its potential in various fields such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and more.
  • Many IT trends come, make an impact, and get replaced, but some persist a lot longer than others, such as the internet.
  • In the span of 59 years, our computing power has improved by 1 trillion times.
  • There are many benefits of AI, including efficiency, less prone to errors, working 24/7, and being deployed in risky situations.
  • New technology can become the foundation of other technologies, which could then become the basis for newer ones.
  • IT trends are getting harder to keep up with due to Moore’s Law, which states that the processing speed of computers doubles every 18 months.
  • Artificial Intelligence, hyped as it may be years ago, is still a growing trend with lots of functionalities that people 10 years ago would think are only possible in sci-fi movies.
  • The technological progress of the entire first century can’t be compared to the progress over the last 10 years.
  • Information technology is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.
  • Information technology is used in the context of enterprise operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies.
  • The commercial use of information technology encompasses both computer technology and telephony.
  • Today’s world is considered as a small village thanks to information technology.
  • Homomorphic encryption plays a critical role in any organization or individual by protecting assets and information from unauthorized users or attackers.
  • Threats to privacy throughout the existence of humanity have been increasing with the constant growth in technologies.
  • Privacy is a nonrenewable entity, once personal data is collected and exposed cannot be undone.
  • Identity management in corporate companies plays a key role in security plans and breach of data, as many organizations provide access to the employees beyond their actual usage of the system.
  • Homomorphic encryption performs the calculations on the data that is already encrypted without decrypting the data in the first place, providing a more secure computing in cloud computing.
  • With increasing capabilities and processing power in technologies, most of the data details of our lives are being recorded and processed by various entities.
  • Privacy is critical for preservation of human self-respect and plays a key role in the society to maintain relationships which are the stepping stones of a happy and well-functioning society.
  • Privacy policies need to be seriously considered how society addresses the loopholes in the policies by the technology to provide a better place to live without the fear of insecurity.
  • Identity management is a means of authenticating and authorizing individuals or groups to have access to their accounts or systems in an organization through network.
  • Policies and ethics in identity management play an important role in minimizing fraud and misuse.
  • Automation technology, if used wisely and effectively, can yield substantial opportunities for the future, such as relieving humans from repetitive, hazardous, and unpleasant labor in all forms, and providing future automation technologies to provide a growing social and economic environment in which humans can enjoy a higher standard of living and a better way of life.
  • Automated equipment has high capital expenditure requirements, higher maintenance needs, and generally lower flexibility in terms of the possible products compared with a manual system.