Non-Experimental Methods

Cards (15)

  • How to determine which each type of observation technique to use
    1. naturalistic OR controlled
    2. covert OR overt
    3. participant OR non-participant
  • What is a naturalistic observation, a controlled observation?
    • naturalistic - researchers observe participants in their natural environments
    • controlled - where aspects are maintained by the researcher e.g changing environemnt and/or giving them a task
  • What is a covert observation, an overt observations?
    • covert - partcipants do not know they are being observed ( no informed consent )
    • overt - participants are aware they are being observed ( the researcher is out in the open )
  • what is a participant observation, and non-participant?
    • participant - the researcher joins the individuals being observed
    • non-participant - the researcher is not involved with the partcipants and is simply a researcher
  • Evaluation - problems with all observation (limitation)
    • observer bias - involves interpreting behaviour and is subjective
    • e.g labelling behaviour as assertive or aggressive
    • to couteract this, more than 1 observer isused and 'inter-observer reliability' is calculated
    • observations cannot establish 'cause and effect'
  • evaluation of naturalistic and controlled observations
    • naturalistic have higher external validity - they apply to real life more easily than controlled observations
    • the less you tamper with participants, the more natural their behaviour
    • whilst controlled observations have low external validity they have more control over extraneous variables - they are also more easily replicable, to test for reliability.
  • evaluation of covert and overt observations.
    • covert observations reduce chances of demand characteristics, increasing validity as partcipants do not know they're being studied so don't change their behaviour
    • covert observations are less ethical
    • overt observations are more ethical , but partcipants behaviour may change if they know they're being studied
  • evaluation of participant and non-participant observations
    • being part of group may give better insight into behaviour and attitudes - this increases data validity
    • blurring the lines between participant and researcher in paticipant observations could end up losing objectivity
    • non-participant observations have more objectivity, but it may be harder to study behaviour from a distance
  • what is a structured and unstructured observation?
    unstructured - researcher writing down everything they see - this is rich in detail and appropriate for observations at a small scale.
    structured - simplyfing target behaviours that will become the focus of an investigation using behavioural categories
  • what are behavioural categories?
    • when a target behaviour is split up into a set of behavioural categories, the main behaviour is simplified into more specific behaviours e.g 'people working out' could be split into lifting weights, doing cardio etc.
  • sampling methods for behavioural categories?
    • event sampling - counting the amount of times a particular behaviour happens in a group/individual
    • time sampling - recording behaviour within a pre-esteablished time frame (e.g seeing what behaviour is being done every 30 seconds)
  • evaluation of structured and unstructured interview?
    • structured - uses behavioural categories, easily distinguished and comprehensive of behaviour being studied, quantitative data obtained
    • unstructured - no behavioural categories, qualitative data produced
  • evaluation of samping methods?
    • event sampling - useful for less frequent behaviour
    • time sampling - useful for more frequent behaviour as event sampling for this would be too overwhelming.
  • Ethical Issues Mneumonic?
    I - Informed Consent
    Don't - Deception
    Punch - Protection from Harm
    Purring - Privacy
    Cats - Confidentiality
  • How researchers deal with ethical issues?
    Clowns - Consent Form
    Don't - Debrief
    Remember - Right to Withdraw
    Anything - Anonimity