
Cards (5)

  • Name applications for learning and revision
    • Cues
    • Repetition
    • Attaching meaning
    • Discovery learning
    • Key stages
    • Mentoring programmes - Vygotsky
    • Play with objects - Bruner
    • Scaffolding
  • Outline Discovery Learning
    • E.g. Symbolic play
    • Child figures out new things for themselves independently without support
    • Works because Piaget said children are little scientists
  • Outline playing with objects as application for learning
    • Children play with objects and touch them
    • Works because Bruner said touching objects to learn allows child to develop internal schemas
  • Outline mentoring programmes for learning / revision
    • Mentoring programmes
    • Works because Vygotsky said that children can acquire more advanced skills when working in their zone of proximal development with a more knowledgeable other
  • Outline scaffolding as a strategy for learning
    1. Recruitment - get attention & stick to task
    2. Reduction in degrees of freedom - tutor simplifies task
    3. Direction maintenance - enthusiasm and keep task in front of eyes
    4. Marking critical features - highlight most relevant features of task
    5. Frustration control - tutor supports child through stress but avids too much dependence
    6. Demonstration - tutor models task for child to imitate
    • Works because children recognise what the situation looks like, allowing them to produce the steps to solve the problem