uk economic world

Cards (12)

  • What is the north-south divide?
    The north-south divide is a term used to describe the social, economic and cultural disparities between the London and the south-east of England and the rest of the UK.
    People living in the south-east typically have a longer life expectancy, higher income and better standard of living than those living in the north. House prices in the south-east are higher due to high demand. Rates of unemployment are higher in the north as regions continue to adjust to de-industrialisation.
    The Liverpool Waters Enterprise Zone is a strategy to help.
  • Liverpool Waters Enterprise Zone- The Everton Stadium
    -Located in the north-west of England, along the river Mersey
    -Cost of project: £555 million, created 15,000 jobs, generated £1.3 billion for the local economy
    -Advantages: attracts visitors, provides jobs (construction, apprenticeships, training), venue can be used for other events like concerts, solar panels on roof of stadium, restores derelict land
    -Disadvantage: only concentrated in one city so will help one area but not the whole of the north
    -Why does this area need investment? De-industrialisation, area needs regenerating
  • What are the causes of economic change in the UK?
    -De-industrialisation (decline of industry due to competition abroad) & decline of traditional industries (primary sector)
    -Globalisation- world is more connected-improvements in technology, transport (quicker imports e.g container ships improve efficiency)
    -Government Policies:
    1945-1979-state run industries declining
    1979-2010-privatisation began but many industries closed, derelict industrial areas turned into financial centres
    2010 onwards-under conservation gov. aim was to rebalance the economy, investment in manufacturing industries
  • How has the UK moved towards a post-industrial economy?
    -Development of IT
    -Service Industry-largest sector in UK
    -Finance-over 2 million employed
    -Research(Quaternary Sector)
    -Business & Science Parks
  • Science Parks
    -employs recent graduates to apply academic knowledge to business innovation
    -located on edge of uni cities e.g cambridge science park- for transport links and good working environment
    Access to A14 and M11 (to London)
    was opened in 1970 by Trinity College but now several Cambridge colleges are there with links to businesses on the science parks
  • Research (Quaternary Sector)
    -Over 60,000 highly educated people employed
    -contributes £3 billion to UK economy
    -much research is linked to UK unis like Oxford, Cambridge and Manchester
    -Research is conducted by gov. bodies (NHS, Ministry of Defence + Environment Agency) and private organisations
    -likely to be one of the UK'S fastest growing industrial sectors
  • What are the impacts of industry on the physical environment?
    -Air pollution from factories, transport-CO2 emissions, water pollution, burning fossil fuels
    -How can modern industry be more sustainable?
    Nissan Car Factory-7% of energy generated by wind turbines- less water and energy used in the production service.
  • What are the social and economical changes in the rural landscape of an area of population decline you have studied (Outer Hebrides)?
    -Social-Falling number of school children=schools closing down +Younger people moving away-fewer people of working age
    -Economic- small scale fishing industry declined + tourism (seasonal) not reliable
  • What are the social and economical changes in the rural landscape in an area of population growth you have studied (South Cambridgeshire)?
    -Growing due to migration from Cambridge/Eastern Europe
    -Social-increased car usage due to commuters means more air pollution, strain on services e.g. healthcare, education
    -Economic-Jobs increased (construction), housing prices increased
  • What improvements in road and rail infrastructure, port and airport capacity have taken place across the UK?
    -Roads-over 100 new road schemes by 2020, over 100 miles of new lanes added to motorways
    -Rail-Elizabeth line=less congestion, quicker journeys, accessibility
    -Airports-close to major cities, especially London e.g London Heathrow
    -Ports-near coastal areas
    London Gateway employs 2000 people + 6000 at logistics park next to it
  • How is the UK linked to other countries?
    -Trade-The UK’s main trading partners are the USA, Germany & Netherlands
    -Culture-Television is one of the leading creative industries, worth over £1.25 billion a year. e.g top gear, doctor who. migration has infused british culture with a range of foods, fashion, festivals and films.
    -Transport-The UK is linked to the European mainland through the Channel Tunnel.
    -Electronic communications-The UK is an important hub, for the global network of submarine telecommunications cables, linking Europe to the USA.
  • What economical and political links does the UK have?
    -former EU-uk left in 2020, membership of the EU meant: the free flow of goods, services, capital and labour between the 28 member states.
    -Commonwealth-aims to provide support to individual countries, provide smaller countries with a voice and encourage co-operation between member states. The heads of each country meet every two years to discuss concerns, promote trade and business links and promote sustainable development.